Chapter Eighteen || Amends

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Lorelei came over everyday after her and Karina's visit and Rosalie looked forward to her visits. Rosalie had been working on her cooking skills so Lorelei helped her.

"This is what?" Lorelei asked, picking up the small roll of rice.

"It's a rice ball!" Rosalie told her.

Lorelei raised an eyebrow and took a small bite. She chewed a few seconds before nodding. "It's good."

Rosalie smiled. "Good!" She put everything away and joined Lorelei at the fold up table that was sitting in their kitchen. She took a bite of the rice ball and decided that Lorelei was right.

"So where is Kai?"

"He's taking care of coven business."

"Do you know what your baby is?"

"Me and Kai decided we want it to be a surprise. So we aren't going to find out."

"That's fun." Lorelei said, eating one of the rice balls whole.

"Lorelei. From your point of view do you think Kai is really sorry?"

Lorelei's chewing slowed. "He seems so. But I know he's fooled you before. But if he hurts you I'll kill him."

Rosalie smiled. "Thanks Lorelei."

"Of course!" Lorelei grinned at her sister.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" Rosalie asked.

Lorelei shook her head, grabbing her bag. "I can't. Sorry. I have a study date that I have to make."

"A study date?" Rosalie asked slyly.

Lorelei rolled her eyes. "It's just studying."

"Yes, but you like him."

Lorelei blushed, "Fine. Yes. I like him."

"Then tell him that."

"I can't!"

"As someone who spent twenty two years not talking to anybody, and twenty years trapped by herself, let me tell you something. You need to take chances. Do something, tell him you like him. You only get so many chances in this life."

Lorelei stared at her before grinning, "Did you get that out of a book?"

Rosalie gasped, faking hurt. "I came up with that all by myself, thank you very much."

Lorelei grinned. "I guess we'll see what I do."

Rosalie grinned and hugged Lorelei. "Go get him!" She told her, watching her leave with a smile.


After Lorelei left Rosalie went for a walk. She didn't know exactly where she was going but on her walk she realized she needed to go see someone, or more see if Elena had anymore information about Bonnie. She borrowed Zeniff's car and headed to Whitmore.

She ended up standing in front of Bonnie and Elena's front door. She took a second before she knocked, she didn't know if Elena would even be here. Bonnie opened the door and froze at the sight of Rosalie. "Bonnie. You're out!" Rosalie said in surprise.

Bonnie's face darkened. "No thanks to you and your boyfriend."

"Bonnie-" Rosalie reached for her but Bonnie brought her hand up and Rosalie felt a sharp pain in her head.

Rosalie gasped and slumped to the ground, the pain feeling like it was melting her brain. "Bonnie. Please. I tried to stop him."

"And now you're dating him. I can tell you tried so hard." Bonnie's words were filled with acid and hate.

"Please Bonnie. I'm pregnant."

The pain stopped and Rosalie gasped. "You're what?"

Rosalie pushed herself up onto her knees. "I'm pregnant. And I'm sorry. I tried to make him bring you. I'm sorry. You're right. I should've done more. And I am so sorry."

Bonnie glared at her. "Don't ever come here again." She slammed the door in Rosalie's face and Rosalie jumped.

She took a second before she turned and walked away. She knew Jo would be at the hospital so she headed their next, she needed to talk to her.

"Whoa!" Jo said, when Rosalie got inside. "You are looking pregnant now."

Rosalie's hand went to her bulging belly. "Yes." She said, her smile almost too big.

"So am I." Jo said slightly short breathed.

"You are?" Rosalie said, smiling softly at Jo.

"Is it Kai's for sure?" Jo asked.

Rosalie nodded.

Jo froze, staring at Rosalie. "Have you checked about the twins yet?" She asked.

Rosalie shook her head. "I haven't. I know I need to. I just...haven't found the time."

Jo gripped Rosalie's arm. "Rosalie, you cannot have twins. If you have twins he'll kill them. He doesn't want someone to be able to take the power from him. You can't have twins." Jo was completely serious as she stared intently at Rosalie.

As Rosalie stared at Jo, the feeling almost feeling like it would crush her.

Saving Rosalie || Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now