Chapter Ten || Alone

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Rosalie met up with Damon and someone else at a small bar. She wondered about Elena but didn't ask. "I'm Alaric." He introduced himself.

"Rosalie." She said, as they sat down.

"Lets get down to business Rosalie." Damon said, a polite smile on his face. "We want to know every detail about Kai - anything that will help us beat him."

"I've already told you everything I know."

"Yes. Everything that could be common knowledge. You were his girlfriend for a few years, he had to have a weakness. You were also with him for twenty years - alone. Anything will help."

"He kidnapped Jo. We saved her but it won't stop him from kidnapped her again. We need to beat him." Alaric said. "Please. I need to protect Jo." Rosalie realized that Alaric really loved Jo, it made her slightly jealous but she understood.

"He just wants power." Rosalie shrugged. "He doesn't care who he hurts to get it. He killed his family, he hurt everyone who ever cared about him. But he also felt shunned, by everyone. His family didn't like him because he was a siphoner. They thought he was a freak of nature - which he was, but as a child that scarred him."

"I don't need his life story." Damon interrupted. "I need a way to defeat him."

Rosalie sighed and shrugged. "I don't have anything. I've told you everything I can. I have nothing else I can tell you."

Damon groaned. "Well, you're useless."

"Excuse me." Rosalie said, offended.

"You heard me Belle."


"Beauty and the Beast? Ring a bell in this situation?"

Rosalie opened her mouth to respond but Alaric stopped her. "Just ignore him. Thanks for trying to help." He said, pulling Damon up. "I have to be somewhere."

They headed out and Rosalie stayed at the table. She sighed, answering her phone. "I'll be home in a few minutes."

"Heads up, I have one of your friends." Kai said gleefully. "I believe she is quite important to you. Goes by the name Elena. Have fun finding us."

Rosalie gaped before she ran out, catching Damon watching Alaric leave.

"Damon!" Rosalie called.


"Kai just called me. He has Elena."

She didn't realize how angry Damon could look. "Where is she?"

"I don't know. He didn't say."

"Get in." Damon said, shoving her into the back seat. Rosalie watch as him and Alaric got in the car. "Where would he take her?" He asked.


"Don't say I don't know." Damon said in a tone that make Rosalie cringe.

"Someone that has meaning." Rosalie said. "He wants her for a reason."

Damon cursed under his breath. "We are going to my house and we are going to sit you down are going to tell me where he has her." Damon said.

Rosalie kept quiet. She knew Damon would blow up at her if she said anything. She texted Zeniff, since she finally knew how to use her phone. She let her know that she was safe but that her car was stranded at the bar.

Only a few minutes later Damon pulled up at the house. They went inside and Rosalie froze. Jo looked up, the log she was levitating dropping. Rosalie watched Jo say something Liv before looking back over and making eye contact with Rosalie.

"Rosalie." Jo said quietly.

Rosalie felt tears sting her eyes. She shook her head, wanting the words to come out but they weren't. She watched Jo walk over to her, afraid she would use her magic on her. Instead Jo wrapped her arms around her and gave her hug.

"I'm so sorry." Rosalie whispered.

Jo nodded. "I forgave you a long time ago. Kai had you under his spell. I'm sorry I let him manipulate you for so long."

Rosalie nodded and hugged Jo tighter, tears falling down her cheeks. For so long she had wondered if Jo hated her, if Jo blamed her. Maybe Jo had spent the 20 years growing more and more hateful towards Rosalie. But no, Jo had forgiven Rosalie.

Rosalie pulled away and wiped away her tears. "It's good to see you again."

"I'm sorry they trapped you. I told them not too but my father did it anyway. He thought you were just like Kai, he didn't understand what you were really like."

"It isn't you fault. It's mine."

Jo smiled. "It's good to see you again too."

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