Chapter Seventeen || Worry

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When Kai got home Rosalie was in bed. "Rosalie? Are you awake?" He asked when he got home.

Rosalie had no desire to talk to him. She didn't want him to convince her of anything she just wanted to sit alone in her annoyance and simmer.

Rosalie stared at the wall, ignoring him and not moving. Kai climbed in the bed. It seemed for a moment that he was going to put his arm around her but she felt him shift and stay on the other side of the bed.

After a while she felt his breathing calm and she knew he was a sleep. Rosalie struggled to fall asleep but she felt uncomfortable being so close to him. Finally she got out of the bed and went into the bathroom. She splashed her face with water and tried to stop the sinking feeling.

She thought Kai had totally changed, but what he said in the car was true. He was still a sociopath. He still wanted to hurt her, to hurt everyone. It was a daily battle and one day she knew Kai would lose. Maybe not today, or tomorrow but sometime. Even if it was when they were 50 and had grandchildren. If what Kai said was true then he would also struggled with it. And unless he got over it, it would always be there.

Rosalie didn't want to return to her bed so she made herself comfortable on the couch. Her phone rang and she looked at Zeniff's name on the phone. "Hey." She said, answering the phone.

"Hey." Zeniff said softly. "Whats wrong?"

"How did you know anything was wrong." Rosalie asked.

"Sisters Intuition." Zeniff laughed. "What's up?"

"It's not anything big. I just...Kai got mad at me today. He's been super sick and he blew up. He told me something I didn't want to hear, but that I probably should know."


"He still has urges to hurt and kill people. He still wants to hurt me. He said he fights it everyday, I just assumed he was totally better. That Luke's emotions had cured him, but he is still the same Kai that killed his family. I'm afraid that if I have twins he'll kill them to keep his power."

"You actually think he'll kill his own children?" Zeniff asked, obviously concerned.

"That's the thing. I don't know. I would like to think he'd be able to fight the urge but I'm afraid that in reality, he wouldn't be able to. I'm afraid his want for power is stronger then his love for me."

"If that's so Rosalie, you shouldn't stay there. Come back home."

Rosalie shook her head. "I can't. He'd track me and he'd hurt you. If I leave I think that will be even worse in the long run."

"What if you talk to him? Would that help?" Zeniff asked.

Rosalie sighed. "I'm not sure."

"I think you should talk to him. If you think you should leave then we'll find a way to protect you from him."

Rosalie smiled. "Thanks Zeniff. I'm going to head back to bed. Night."

"Night Rosalie. Oh! Lorelei and Karina want to come see you tomorrow, or I guess later today. Is that okay?"

"Of course! I would love to see them. I've missed them."

"Good, goodnight."

Rosalie hung up the phone, sighing. She didn't want to go back up to her bed so she curled up on the couch, closing her eyes.

Rosalie sat in the waiting room, nervous. Her sister was suppose to be born but she was worried something would go wrong. Her mother hadn't been careful while pregnant. Anything could be wrong.

A nurse touched her shoulder and Rosalie looked up. "Is she okay?"

The nurse nodded and Rosalie followed her into her mothers room. Her mother was passed out on the bed, but her sister, she was so beautiful. Rosalie gently took her from the doctors, a huge smile on her face.

"Do you have a name?" The nurse asked.

Rosalie smiled and nodded. She looked down at her little sister, even though the baby was sleeping she clamed Rosalie.

"I'm going to name her Zeniff." Rosalie said.


Rosalie shrugged. "Because it's beautiful. Just like she is."

Saving Rosalie || Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now