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A few weeks have passed since the first day of school. I can now honestly say that school is a whole lot better. Just seeing Dominic every day makes me love going, it's still hell in most respects but not as bad as it could be.

I am pulled from my thoughts as I'm getting ready for school by banging at my bedroom door. Oh god, it's too early for this. I already know it's him.
"OPEN THIS FUCKING DOOR CAMILLE!!" I hear him yell drunkenly. He's already drunk and it's not even 8 in the morning.
I finish pulling my shirt over my head and do as I'm told and instantly regret it. I close my eyes just as his hand makes contact with my face. Then I feel Lamont's hand go around my neck as he slams me up against the wall.
"Where the fuck have you been going after school and on the weekends? And don't you dare lie to me Camille!" He yells lifting me from my feet. Leaving my bare legs and feet dangling as I pry at his hands.
"After-school programs." I try to choke out, gasping for air. Even though he says don't lie, I still do. I've been working from 4 pm-7 pm every day after school, then 8 am-7 pm on most Saturdays. During the summers, I would act like I had summer school and work from 8 am-5 pm Monday through Friday, I had the weekends off.
He looks me in my eyes, I guess trying to decide if he will believe me or not. He lets my neck go and I drop to the ground. My own hands replace, his soothing my skin as I gasp for air. Just when I think he's done, he kicks me in my side, calling me a bitch before leaving my room. All I can do is lay there clutching my side and rubbing my neck. I slowly sit up and wipe the tears from my cheeks. I can't keep living like this. I stand up, head to my dresser, and pull out my makeup. After about forty-five minutes of applying make-up, I have to settle with what I have and get going. I put on the rest of my clothes, grab my bag, and head out of the house. Even after Lamont's fit I still decide to go to school, Dominic is the only person who could make this better. At least that's what I hope.

Although I miss my first period, I make it to his class right before the second-period bell. As I shuffle over to my seat, he smiles at me. Oh that sexy smile, I love it. All I can do is just look at the floor. I can't smile back; I don't want him to see me like this. I don't want him to see me broken and battered. I did my best to cover the handprint on my neck, but I didn't have much success. So I just keep my head down and try to avoid his gaze. He pauses for a moment then begins the class. After this morning's shit show and my walk to school, I start to feel the fatigue taking over me. I find it hard to stay awake and alert. I fight as much as I can to stay up, but I still fall asleep. My dream is filled with this morning's violence and cursing. But this time when he kicks me, I curse him back. I fight back in my dream and it feels good.
"Cam." I hear my name but think I'm still sleeping until I hear it again. "Cam."
"Hmm?" I groan, lifting my head slowly. I see Dominic kneeling next to me, looking at me with concern.
"Hey sleepyhead, wake up." He says with a soft smile
"What time is it?" I ask, looking at the clock blinking my eyes rapidly.

"It's time for lunch." He replies with a low voice.
I sit up slowly, wincing in pain also taking notice I'm on a couch. He helps me sit up fully, then I guess he saw the confusion on my face. "You're in my office." He says
"Oh. Did I sleep through the 3rd and 4th? How did I get here?" I ask, still looking around his office.
"Yeah, you did. I just told your other teachers to send me your work because you weren't feeling well. And the answer to the second question I carried you."
I blush at the thought of being lifted by him. Then I see his face get serious.

"What happened to your neck Cam?" He asks, reaching his hand out to touch my neck. I flinch away from him and he pulls his hand back.
"It's nothing," I say trying my best to cover my neck and hang my head in shame.
"Who did that?" He asks with so much concern and a dash of irritation I feel bad but I can't tell him.
"I can't say. Thank you for letting me sleep; I really needed it. I'll see you later." I say standing up grabbing my bag. He takes my hand before I can make it out the door.
"Cam, please talk to me. I'm here for you, please talk to me."
"I can't, I have to go," I say with pleading eyes hoping he will let me go. He does, I leave and head to the library.

After lunch, I go to biology just wishing the day would end. I take my usual seat next to Lottie and she takes one look at my neck.
"Oh my god cam. He's getting worse." She whispers.
"I know. I don't want to tell anyone because you know that will just make things worse." I reply.
"You should come and stay with me," she says.
"You know I can't, He will find me there, he always does. I'll be fine. I just have to work and wait, I'll be out soon." I say.
"Ok Cam, but I'm here if you need me." She gives a small smile.
"I know. Thank you." I say.
The bell rings and we go our separate ways. I put my music in my ears as I head to study hall. I work on the work I missed from my 3rd and 4th periods. After I finish I wrestle with the thought of going back to see Dominic. I really don't want him to see me like this, I'm scared of what he will think of me. The bell rings. I take my work to the two classes I missed and I decide to just leave school and go to work early.
I don't work far from school, just a few blocks over at this cute little mom-and-pop diner called Nikki's. After I get there I head to the back, Nik my boss and the owner of the place looks at me surprised, "Cam, what are you doing here so early?"
"Um, I'm just gonna be honest; my last official class was a study hall so I just came here instead." I wait for his reply while he ponders what I've said.
"Well good thing you're here. I need you to cover Sammy's shift. You'll still be off by 7 though." He says moving to let me clock in.
"Ok great." I smile. With that, I go and change into my uniform.
It's almost 6:30 when I hear the bell over the door chime for the thirteenth time in 20 minutes. God tonight sure is busy. I walk to the door to greet the person, then stop dead in my tracks. Lamont. I go hide behind the counter. Nik looks at me like I'm crazy. I wave him over.
"I need to go," I say urgently trying not to sound too scared. However, he sees right through me.
"Who is that?" He asks.
"I... I just need to go. Now, please!" I pick up my bag that from the storage space under the counter. "I'm sorry I'll explain later I promise. Please don't fire me."
He looks at me, "You've been working here for a while I'm not going to fire you but I want that explanation later. Go out the back."
I thank him then peek over the counter, I see Lamont looking in the opposite direction. I take the opening and jet out the back. I run down the street to a McDonald's and go to the bathroom to change clothes. I start walking home, the sun is still showing a little above the city skyline. I let the rays shine hit my face a little bit longer before going inside.
I see one of Frenchy's women, Angela, sprawled out on the couch asleep with an alcohol-filled glass still in her hand. I shake my head and take the glass from her and set it on the coffee table. I cover her up with a blanket and proceed to my room. Angela has been around for about 6 months, but if French finds her strung out instead of out selling like she's supposed to be. She may not make it much longer. I lock the door before sitting on my bed. I feel my phone vibrate and see that I have a text from an unknown number.

-I didn't see you after lunch
I look at it confused.
+Who is this
I wait for a response which isn't a long wait.
-Don't think I'm a creep but it's Dominic... Mr. Gregor
I smirk at his response
Me- A bit late for that. How did you get my number?
Dominic- You wrote it on your student information sheet. I hope you don't mind.
I think about it. He's right, I did.
Me- Oh ok.
Dominic- You didn't answer my question. Where did you go?
Me- I skipped and went to work.
Dominic- Was it because of my questions about your neck?
I don't answer his question, instead, I just put my phone on its hidden charger. I have to hide it from Lamont, he doesn't know I have my own phone let alone that I pay for it. He only knows about the phone he gave me. I hear it vibrating again. Rolling my eyes I go to look at it.
Dominic- I'm sorry. I'm just a little concerned.
I ponder whether to text him back or not, I decide I will.
Me- I can't tell you who I got it from but I appreciate your concern. I'm going to bed, thank you.
Dominic- Goodnight. Sweet dreams Camille.
I feel my cheeks heat and a skip in my heartbeat after he says that. I hide my phone, set my alarm clock, and turn off my light. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2021 ⏰

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