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The next day when I step outside to go to school it's pouring down rain, great. I run back inside to grab an umbrella from the room, being as quiet as I can. I look under the bed, nope. I look in my dresser, nope. I tip to the closet and move the two bags at the bottom, got it. I close the closet, then head outside again. I put up the raggedy umbrella and step down off the porch. With a long sigh I make my way to school. Hopefully today won't be as bad as it was yesterday.

It's only the second day and someone already wants to fight me. Usually it takes a few weeks, a new record I'd say. The rain slows me down a bit but once again I make it with about 20 minutes to spare. I head straight to the bathroom in the main hall to check my make up. I need to make sure everything is still in place and make sure the swelling is down. To my surprise my makeup is still in place and my cheek doesn't look too bad.
I find myself at the front door of the school again, wishing I could wither away just like my soul. I look up at the big obnoxious clock hanging on the grand bell tower inside the building. I have about 7 minutes to get to class. Putting my umbrella in a plastic bag, I head to my first period not even bothering to look for Lottie. I'll see her in class anyway. The classroom is pretty much empty ; there are only two people in here, the teacher and a skinny white boy whose name escapes me. John, I think his name is and he is always early.

I take my seat at the back, putting my forehead on the cool desk and enjoying the quiet before the bell rings. However, my peace and quiet is short lived when the bell rings. I thought I'd have at least four minutes; I must have taken longer to walk than I thought. I groan and lift my head off the desk mentally preparing myself for the rest of the day and the fuckery bound to come with it.

I see Lottie at the door and waves. She sees me and makes her way to the back making sure not to hit anyone with her over sized purse. Placing her purse on the desk she takes off her jacket before sitting down next to me.
"Hey. Where were you? I was waiting for you at the front." She asks, giving me a side hug.

I flinch as her cheek brushes mine, she eyes me tentatively. "Long story." I hold up my hand, "I will explain later. But I got here early and needed to rest my head so I came in here."
"Okay. I think I already know." She eyes my cheek. The swelling must be coming back.

"I think you do too."
She gives me that look she always gives me and just nods. I know she pities me, but she will never say it. She knows it won't do any good and there's no need to add salt to the wound. She rests her head on my shoulder and takes my hand. I rest my head on her head accepting her quiet sympathy. The late bell rings and we sit up and share a smile. That's all I needed to lift my spirits.
As class goes on Mrs. Jones assigns us our first assignment of writing a paper about our future goals and plans. This paper will be easy for me since all I do is dream, scheme and plan.

"Your papers are due in two weeks. On top of your normal assignments" a roar of "awe man's" go up. She holds up her hand. "However, you will have time in class to work on it some days. Please get the textbooks located in the seat basket of your desk and turn to page 120." Mrs. Jones says.

The class follows her instruction and the sound of fluttering pages and muttering fills the room. She launches into her lesson on Romeo and Juliet with poise. After ten minutes of Mrs. Jones' speech I look over to Lottie and see she has checked out.

Why is she so tired? I'll give her the notes later. The lesson and class come to an end when the bell rings. The sound scares Lottie making her nearly fall out of her seat. I just laugh and give her a hand. "Come on, sleepy head."

As we leave the classroom I give Lottie the notes, "I need these back ma'am."

"You're a lifesaver. Thank you." She hugs me. "I gotta get to the other side of school. See ya."

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