Rock Bottom

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Danuen tried to open his mouth in protest, but figured it was impossible, for the man informed Damien that his mouth was shut with barbed wire. Damien suddenly smelled the dried blood around his mouth, and resisted the sudden urge to vomit. The man proceeded to tell Damien that he I'd going to under go a biopsy. A lung biopsy, without the use of pain reducers. Damien's eyes widened to the size of golf balls and his for head became wet and sweaty. Pamls shaking, rattling the metal table loudly. The man put on some rubber gloves on above Damien. He then took a small black pen, and drew lines lining from Damien's neck to the bottom if his torso. And each mark of the pen made Damien more in pain and wince enduring his feelings he got. The surgeon grabbed a thing that looks like a small knife and poised it just above the middle line of Damien's stomach. Damien squeezed his fists and shut his eyes, all the while crying internally. The first insicion was made, and the surgeon smiled a greet wide smile crept across his face. Damien looked like he was screaming but no words came out. With the small space his hand had to move under the strap, he bangs them against the table in angush. The man spoke once more and his voice was is one you picture a captain of a ship having. "Ah. Very pleasing," he said as the mass of organs trembled beneath him. "Why don't you slow your breathing a bit." Damien bit his lip to the sound if flesh ripping apart ever so slowly, penetrated the air, and his face was blue as a blue berry.

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