Street Rats 11

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Woohoo! Part 11! Let's get going!


"Shenz!" Riza said, flying over in shock. "What's the meaning of this!?"

"Easy. I'm starting a rescue team. Turning my life around. And you're going to join me."

"We never agreed to this!" Flash growled.

"I'd hold your tounge if I were you!" I still didn't trust him. He glared at me, but fell silent at my burning gaze. "As I was saying, we'd like a start a rescue team. Rescue Team Rats."

"This is preposterous!" the shopkeeper said. It was a Grovyle. "Wanted criminals can't form rescue teams!"

"Yea!" the crowd around us yelled.

"They'd just abuse their power!'

"They're evil!"

"We should capture them now!"

BANG! The door to the guildmaster's room flew open, and out stepped a beautiful Ninetails. The crowd gasped and parted to let her though. Some of the smaller pokemon trembled in terror as she strolled past, her eyes locked onto me. I stared right back at her unwavering gaze, and I'm pretty sure the others in the room could see the sparks.

"So, houndoom, you wish to start a Rescue Team?" She said, reaching me. Her chest was puffed out as she stared down at me. She held herself above me, thought she was better. Bitch.

"Why yes." I said, standing a little taller. We were about the same height, and we were the same type.

"You know the laws. If a criminal wants to form a rescue team, the leader must serve their time and they are directly responsible for the actions of their underlings. You have not agreed to either of those things."

"I don't have time to spend my days rotting in a prison cell."

"Oh? And why not?"

"I have an agenda to keep. There was a murder yesterday. I want on the force investigating it."

"We already have our specials ops team investigating the scene."

"And what have you discovered?"

She snapped her jaws closed and thought carefully. "We are doing our best to meet the standards of our people and rid the planet of the criminal.

"You won't get anywhere without someone knowledgeable on the subject. Have your men ever set foot in the underground?"


"I thought so. I'm formin a rescue team. You lock me up, I'll break back out. We've been through this before, as you'll remember."

The ninetails snarled, taking a step closer to me, close enough so that only I could hear what she said.

"Why do you care who the murdered was. The victim was a criminal, a nobody. He won't be missed."

"He was my best friend," I snarled, watching her flinch as my fangs snapped closed an inch from her muzzle. "I'm here for revenge. I control the underworld of this town. I can make your life miserable."

She blinked, taking a step back as I stared her down, my hackles up, jaws drawn back in a snarl. A nearly silent growl rumbled in my throat, my fangs lit up with first traces of a firefang attack. I must've looking pretty intimidating, because the pokemon who had surrounded us began to back away. The stronger were pushing towards the front, protecting the weaker.

".... so be it, houndoom. Create your rescue team, but we will never recognize you as one of our own."

"I wouldn't have it any other way."


So I really didn't feel like writing this... or so I thought. I kept telling myself "I'm not in a Pokemon mood...." and then I got to history. So I read what I had down before, and finished it.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2012 ⏰

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