Chapter 6

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Chapter 6
After y'all eat ur Ice cream u say "bet I can beat u to the water" then jack say "whatever" u then start running. U were almost to the water when u felt two strong arms lift u up from behind. U laugh and say "jack put me down" he then turns u around so u are facing him and says "no can do" and u say "y not" he then walks toward the water and u scream "DONT THROW ME IN" and he steps in the water and says "chill I was just gonna say that I beat u" u rolled ur eyes and u were being thrown in the air and u scream "JACK" then u hit the water. U come up and scream "Y DID U DO THAT" and he says "damn chill u gave me the idea" u roll ur eyes and turned around so ur back was facing the shore. Then u felt to arms wrap around u and a chin rest on ur shoulder. U rest ur head on his head. And he says "y/n" and u say "jack" and he says "can I take u on a date" and u turn around and say "a date? With me" and he says "um yeah" and u laugh and say "with me" pointing to urself and he says "YES Y/N GRIER WILL U GO ON A DATE WITH ME" and u scream "YES JACK GILINSKY" and he says "please y/n just one dat... Wait u will" u laugh and says "yes jack" he smiles and u smile back then u see sky walking on the beach picking up shells so u ran and got ur phone and took and picture then ran back into into the water hoping she didn't notice Bc she hates pictures when she 'looks bad' then u here sky scream "Y/N/N" and u scream "SKY" and u thought she was gonna say something about the picture but she says "I WANNA GO TO THE FIELD" and u say "YES MAM HOLD UP" and she screams "OKAY HURRY UP" and u scream "OKAY MOM" and she smiles and then jack says "what field" and u say "before I went to college me and sky were like really tight and we still are but everyday after school when we were finished with homework I would steal Nash's keys and me and sky would drive out to this flower meadow and we would pick flowers and make crowns with the flowers" then jack says in a girl voice "awe sibling goals" u play slap him on the chest and say "shut up" and he says "ouch" and u laugh and swim to the shore. U run and pick up sky then she says "y/n/n" and u say "yeah"


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