Chapter 10: Confused

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Chapter 10: Confused

The thunder cracked loudly overhead. Nearly everyone had gone back to London earlier…but Shannon, Noel, Russell and he, Julian, had stayed at Freddie’s…and now the road between them and, well, anywhere… was flooded. They were all stuck. Stuck with the lights flickering dangerously, threatening to plunge them all into darkness… along with the deluge that was now pelting down around them.

Another crack of thunder echoed overhead and Shannon jumped slightly. He watched as she looked for a moment at the fireplace, blazing warmth through the room, and tugged her cardigan tighter about herself. She looked up and smiled at Julian, standing up and looking around. He saw her gaze fall on Russell and Julian grimaced when she spoke.

“Hey, Russell?” she asked innocently.

“Yes?” Russell grinned back at her, glad of some attention.

“Would you mind helping me find and light some candles…I don’t think the electricity is, err, going to last much longer.” As if to confirm her words, another clap of thunder made the lights dim, dwindle, and return to flickering slightly again.

“Yeah, alrigh’.” Russell replied as he too stood and followed her into the kitchen, Julian presumed the kitchen anyway…that’s where he kept emergency candles…

Julian would’ve left it alone…except that he heard Shannon giggle… with a quick glance at Noel, who seemed to be sketching something elaborate, Julian followed after Shannon and Russell. He stopped just before the door…eves-dropping.

“I know they’re here somewhere.” He heard Shannon say softly, clearly frustrated. “I saw Freddie put them…ah ha!” Julian smiled at her triumphant tone.

“They smell right nice they do.” He heard Russell’s candid reply.

“Bees wax candles…” He could hear the smile in her voice; she was obviously remembering something to do with home… “My mum had some…they’re absolutely gorgeous when lit up!”

“So are you.” Russell replied, but not at all like Julian had expected. His tone was soft, sweet…honest. Not casually flirting…actual feeling.

Julian poked his head around the corner just far enough to see the two. Shannon was frozen, three boxes of candles balanced on one arm, a single candle in her free hand. She looked like she was in shock. After a moment or two she snapped out of it though.

“Don’t be daft, Russell.” Shannon shook her head as she put the lone candle back in its box.

Julian watched, now frozen in place, as Russell stepped closer to Shannon and, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear, tilted her head up as he murmured, “I’m not…”

Julian watched the transition of looks that crossed Shannon’s face as she first realised what he’d said, the gravity of it, and the not knowing what to do when he leant down and whispered something, that Julian couldn’t hear, into her ear. His jaw dropped as she turned slightly to look at Russell…but Russell had done the same…Julian couldn’t move, couldn’t speak. He could only look on in astonishment as Russell’s and Shannon’s lips met in a slow, hesitant kiss; Russell gently holding her, tenderly cupping her cheek as he pulled her a little closer.

Julian snapped out of his stupor as he heard footsteps behind him. He turned to find Freddie looking up at him expectantly. “Did they find the candles?”

Julian didn’t have time to reply, as the sound of something being dropped, Russell asking “What? No…Shan…” and Shannon running out the door on the brink of tears.

Julian and Freddie rounded the corner into the kitchen. They found Russell, with a confused look etched on his face, standing amidst boxes and candles. Freddie spoke first. “What happened?”

Russell looked after Shannon, bewildered, not replying. Julian became agitated, “What did you do?!”

Russell looked to Julian. “I have no idea…”


Shannon ran, past Noel, out the back door. She heard Noel shout after her as she ran out into the rain, towards her hidey-hole, but she ignored his call for her to come back. How could she do this? Like both of them this much. Nothing her whole life and then BAM! ‘Two at once…’ Shannon thought as she stumbled through the sodden garden to the bush where her hidey-hole was hidden, not knowing she’d been followed. She crawled, soaking wet, down the tunnel and into the stuffy, but surprisingly warm, room and pulled her shoes off.

“Shan?” Shannon squealed in shock as Russell poked his head through the entrance to her secret room, and jumped high enough to hit her head. “Oh, sorry…”

“You…you shouldn’t be in here…” Shannon replied, now shivering from her cold, wet clothes.

“I just wanted to make sure you were alright…” Russell crawled in and closed the door behind him. “It ain’t half small in here…” he continued as he took off his shoes and placed them with hers. “But, it’s warm, which is good news for you.” Shannon looked at Russell, not comprehending. He pointed at her clothes. “You’ll catch cold if you stay in those.”

“I’m not getting changed with you in here watching!” Shannon pointed at Russell accusingly.

“I won’t look,” Russell replied calmly, turning to face away from her. “Promise.”

“No.” Shannon replied stubbornly.

“Well, either you do it yourself…or I’ll do it for you.” Russell shrugged.

“Fine…” Shannon turned and grabbed tracksuit pants and a sweater from behind the bean bag to her right, keeping her eyes on Russell as she stripped off and changed into dry things. “Done.”

Russell turned back around to look at her again. He smirked. “Nice…” he gestured to her current attire and she stuck her tongue out at him.

Shannon looked at Russell’s clothes, concerned for his health now. “You’re wet too… you’ll catch cold…won’t you?”

“Maybe,” he shrugged. “Dun really matter though.”

“It does…” Shannon rummaged through a box behind her. “Um…these might fit you…” she continued as she threw a pair of long slacks to Russell. He looked at them for a moment at then started to take his clothes off. Shannon looked away quickly, cheeks flaming.

“Bit loose, but they’re okay.” She heard Russell reply. “Got a belt and a shirt there at all?”

Shannon rummaged through the box again and found an old button-down loose shirt and a white belt and turned to hand them to Russell…only to find him now kneeling right in front her. She held up the shirt and belt for him to take, and he did, but he put them down just as quickly, his eyes searching hers.

“You don’t want the shirt anymore?” Shannon asked timidly, blushing delicately as his hand came up to cup her cheek tenderly.

“I can think of something I want more,” Russell replied softly, leaning down a little. Shannon put her hands on his chest, stopping him. “What’s wrong?”

“I can’t…not whilst I’m trying to figure all this out…” Shannon stammered as he brought a finger up to her lips, silencing her.

“Then forget it. All of it…just for tonight.” He whispered gently, and his lips found her once more…

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