Chapter 11: Confession

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Chapter 11: Confession

Shannon chewed on her bottom lip anxiously as she sat at the breakfast bar the next morning. She hadn’t done anything bad…but she felt bad enough that someone might think she’d killed somebody! Shannon jumped as someone entered the kitchen behind her. Julian leant on the counter beside her, his gaze disapproving.

“Morning.” He said bluntly.

“Hi…” Shannon replied, just as bluntly. She felt bad enough as it was. She didn’t need her best friend telling her she should feel that way too.

“You okay?” Julian’s gaze had softened a bit.

“No.” she replied, face blank.

Julian sighed as he sat down beside her. “What happened? Where were you two? We were worried sick…”

“Russell…followed me to the little hidey-hole you helped me build…to make sure I was okay after I ran out.” Shannon’s voice sounded disembodied to her. “I didn’t even know he did till he came in…we were both soaking…and I had spare dry clothes I usually wear when painting…” she stopped and looked sideways at Julian.

He hugged her gently. “It’s alright.” He soothed. “So, you made a mistake. A lot of people do their first time. You didn’t do anything wrong though, so don’t feel bad about it-”

“No…no,” Shannon pulled back from Julian’s comforting hug. “We didn’t….we didn’t do that! For God’s sake Julian, you know me better than that.”

“Then why are you sad?” Julian folded his arms…he looked very fatherly…

“We just kissed for a while…and then kinda fell asleep…” she added sheepishly. “I just…it felt right and wrong at the same time…but for some reason…I couldn’t stop…” Shannon paused momentarily. “I do like Russell…” she consented, “But…I like Noel more…I …I think I might even go so far to say that I love him…but I don’t think I could face him…” she sighed sadly and buried her face in her hands and tried not to cry as Julian hugged her again.


“But…I like Noel more…I …I think I might even go so far to say that I love him…but I don’t think I could face him…”

Noel watched Julian and Shannon as they sat at the breakfast bar and she confessed to him. He heard her sigh sadly and saw her bury her face in her hands, trying not to cry as Julian hugged her again. He’d heard it all. The confession that she’d kissed Russell after he’d followed her to her special hiding place. That place was sacred to her. Noel knew that. Russell had just barged in there…

Noel was furious…but overjoyed at the same time. She loved him! Shannon loved him! He, Noel, had won her heart! Now, it was time to win the girl… he didn’t want her to know he’d heard her confession. He wanted her to tell him herself.

“I don’t know what to do, Jules…” He zoned back into their conversation.

“You’ll only feel worse if you keep it from him.” Julian replied as he gave her shoulders a squeeze. “Tell him, sweetheart.”

“You’re right…I should…” she paused. “How do I do this?”

“That’s for you to decide, Shan.” Julian replied warmly…fatherly. Noel frowned slightly and then noticed Julian had heard something. “If I were you, I’d do it soon…run along, or Russell might find you first.”

Apparently the Lord did work in mysterious ways. Julian had sent her to him; he’d make sure he found her before Russell. He watched her slip out of the room and heard a door close quietly. Now he’d have a chance to get Russell out of her head…for good.

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