Pig and pepper

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As Alice looked at the house, a fish dressed as a footman ran up and rapped wetly on the door. It was opened by a frog. Alice crept closer. They bowed low and their wigs got tangled. Alice laughed so loudly, she had to run back into the trees. When she came out, the fish had gone. Timidly, Alice went up to the door and knocked.
'There's no use knocking,' said the Frog. 'I'm on the same side as you. Besides, they are making too much noise to hear.'

'How will I get in?' asked Alice

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'How will I get in?' asked Alice.
'Are you to get in at all?' Said the Frog. 'That's the question.'
'Hopeless!' Thought Alice and marched straight into a large kitchen. A grumpy Duchess sat in the middle holding a baby, a cat at her feet.

Pepper filled the air

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Pepper filled the air.
Alice sneezed. 'Why is your cat grinning?' she asked the Duchess.
'It's a Cheshire Cat,' the Duchess replied briskly.
'I didn't know cats could grin,' Alice said.
'They all can,' said the Duchess, 'and most of 'em do.'
'I don't know any that do,' said Alice.
'You don't know much and that's the fact.'
All of a sudden , the Cook began throwing pans at the Duchess, who simply ignored her and sang a lullaby to the howling baby.

Speak roughly
to your little boy
And beat him
when he sneezes
He only does it to annoy
Because he knows
it teases.

'Here!' she finished suddenly, flinging the baby at Alice.

 'You look after it

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'You look after it. I must get ready for the Queen.'
Alice caught the baby and left before they were hit by a flying frying-pan. The baby grunted and Alice glanced down.
To her surprise, it was turning into a pig.

  To her surprise, it was turning into a pig

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'Oh!' She cried and let it go.
Alice was thinking it was more handsome as a pig, when she saw the Cheshire Cat grinning at her.
'Cheshire Cat,' she said, shyly, 'where should I go now?'
'Well, that way is the Hatter,' said the Cat, waving a paw, 'and that way is a March Hare. Both mad.'

   'But I don't want to visit mad people,' Alice said

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'But I don't want to visit mad people,' Alice said.
'We're all mad here,' said the Cat, fading away.

Did you like this story up till now? It will get more interesting in the next chapter. So do read and vote and comment. Share your views and give me some ideas for the story through comments or personal chat. Till now bye.⭐️

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