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More Mel and Dan...




Phil dropped Dan of back at his house. 

"Thank you sooooo much Phil! I needed saving... everyone was fucking drunk..." Dan said. 

"It's ok Dan. They were all making out too." Phil said smiling and hugging Dan. 

Dan blushed but thanks to the handy hug (jesus I'm never saying that again) Phil didn't see. . Just as Mel came down the stairs holding a cup with a spoon in it. and a laptop. she saw they hugging and awkwardly turned around and walked back up the stairs. then squealed about her otp in her room. 

"Sorry Dan I need to get back to Kat." Phil said finally letting go of Dan they smiled at each other. then Phil left, leaving Dan with his sister. 

"Mel! we need to eat food!" He called out to her after a few minutes of thinking about Phil. He loved him so much. 

"I told you not to go that Party Danny!" Melody said re entering the room. 

"Yeah.. It was a bad idea.." He said shuddering. 

"... Was it really that bad? everyone drunk? or... being.. weird in general" She asked concerned. 

"Everyone drunk and making out and I had to hide under a table to escape someone trying to make out with me." Melody upon hearing this had a heart attack. 

"NO ONE CAN KISS YOU OTHER THAN PHIL." She became over protective and started ranting about all that shit. Dan didn't really know how to react. He knew Melody shipped him and Phil but... only being able to kiss Phil? God she was to serious about this.  

Melody stopped ranting and made pasta instead. They all ate Pasta and went back to their respective rooms to talk to their friends and internet. 

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