#2 he annoys you

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You were studying for an exam that was going to cost %65 of your grade, but Harry kept on poking your sides. "Harry...", you warned "quit it." Of course he kept bugging you, and you were getting pissed off. "Harry, stop. Now." You growled. "Oh c'mon Y/N you need to relax. I dont want you to hurt yourself." He said micheviously. You look at him "Harold-" "My name's not Harold". You hated it when people corrected you. "Dammit harry!" You said. He stood up, grabbed your books, and tickled you. "Harry, harry, STOP-" was all you could say in between the laughter. He finally stopped, after realizing that he didn't want you to piss on the bed. He hovered over you, using his arms to keep himself up. He pushed the books of of your bed, and... well let's just say you didn't get much studying done (;


You and Niall just came from a signing,and having to run from fans on the way back to the house, was exhausting. You hadn't eaten anything today, so when you got home to an empty fridge, you weren't happy. Niall took you to Nando's to get something to eat. You both got the Peri-Peri chicken and you were so excited when to food came. Niall went through his plate of food fast, but he was still unsatisfied. You were savoring your food when a fork clashed with yours. You looked up angrily at the blonde-headed boy who just took YOUR food. He smirked and you gave him the evil eye, before returning to your food. About a minute later, that familiar clicking sound from forks reoccurred. You looked at you plate in awe. That little sneaky leprechaun took what was left of you food. You threw your fork on the table in the least dramatic manner possible and just looked at him. Finally, you broke the silence, "you know, i was gonna eat that." You said. You looked at him again and that look on his face made you smile, you couldn't help it. Eventually, all was forgiven when he bought you a dessert for you two to not share, which put him in complete misery.


You were on your "time of the month" and you were pissed off even when no one was near you. So, when Liam found your womanly supplies gone, he kept bugging you. "Do you need me to buy anything? I could go get some ice cream. Do you want ice cream? Ummm... I'll go find that heating pad. Or maybe a hot water bottle? We could watch a movie together, like a rom-com? We could watch-" "Liam", you said surprisingly (and scarily) calm "go to the store. Get whatever. You know what? Get everything that you just mentioned. And take your time too, babe. Kay?" He nodded and left with his keys. Giving you time to sulk, thinking about how this was going to last a full week.


You were at you friend, (Y/BFF)'s, barbecue. She had a pool, and inviting anyone to swim, but you decided not to. Louis was there with you, but you could tell how bored he was, since he was surrounded by women. The only other man there was (Y/BFF)'s boyfriend, so Louis went and helped him with maning the grill. Louis and him were whispering something, but you couldn't hear what is was, so you continued your conversion with you friends. You were sitting by the pool, with your feet in the cool water. Your dialogue was interrupted when Louis came and pushed you in the pool, getting your sundress, and sunhat, completely soaked. You rose above the water and glared at Louis. He looked at you with a grin and said "Sorry, love"

Zayn: You were sitting on the couch watching TV. At least until you smelt something weird. You followed the smell to... the garage? You opened the door and a huge wave of stank washed over you in an instand. You pinched your nose and you looked over at your boyfriend, with tears clouding you eyes. "Zayn, what the hell?" "Hey, baby girl. You may not wanna come in here, the fumes from my spray paint is kinda gross." He said. "No shit, sherlock" you said sarcastically "how have you not passed out in here?" "Well, apparently I have a thick skull." He said walking towards you, taking you far away from the stench.

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