Chapter 5: Colonel's back, and the Biometals.

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Hello Readers! Dracophoenix/WillAshborn here with chapter five! People reading: I STILL NEED BLOODY CHARACTERS IF YOU WISH TO SUBMIT THEM. Anything works. You could have a girl or a guy, or you could even be a robot. I will even help you design them, I swear it. You can PM me and I will help you to the best of my ability. Main point is..I really want this to be good, and I think it would be cool to use some characters that others make too.

Without further ado, let's get back to our regularly scheduled programming! ((hehe. Megaman. Programmimg.))


~~~~~~Start of chapter~~~~~~

"Stop right there!"

Hikari froze, hearing the voice of his aunt to the side of them. His teeth slowly grinded together, and his head swiveled towards her.

His eyes widened in surprise at her appearance.

In terms of looks, she looked like a female version of his father, with her pale, sky blue armor adorning her body. Her visor was Pink instead of red, and hair could be seen covering her left eye, brown hair giving way to pink tips at the ends. The hair at the back of her head stuck up slightly, tied up in a ponytail, but loose enough that it still somewhat stuck straight up. Her underarmor was pitch black, just like his father's...but her lines were white.

Her megabuster was drastically different. Instead of appearing to be somewhat like what Omega-Xis's did, it had the appearance of a fox, ears and all. The waves coming off of the head of Galaxia's Wave being were white, instead of green, and the nose came to a sharp point... almost as if her Wave being could stab something with its head. The jagged teeth, however, were still present.

It proved Galaxia could be a different type of monster all together.

Ronin had also paused, his eyes glancing over to the female. The dark eyes were blank, almost as if seeing right through her.

"Yes?" He said, his voice calm, but his mind anything but that. He had an idea of what she wanted, but he was not sure himself. His grip on the katana tightened somewhat, as he spoke. Had they finally found him out? He had no clue.

All he knew was that he didn't want to go to wherever they wanted to take him, wherever that was. He didn't care what they had to offer...He just wanted to duel.

Then, Galaxia called out.

"Megaman, A.K.A, Geo Stelar! You will be brought in for questioning and examination! " Then, her voice got louder. "Your son has been waiting on you! I can see it in the boy's eyes, Geo!" She screamed at him. Why was she yelling? She was pissed. Pissed that he couldn't have stayed and helped his son through Sonia dying. Admittedly she wasn't there either..but she wasn't his father, and didn't know him.

Hikari's heart dropped and Hub whispered into the earpieces on his helmet.

"We need to get out of here."

Hikari bit his lip, shaking his head to throw off his emotions as he faced Ronin again.

"No. We came here to duel."

Then, three voices spoke at once.

"Battlecard: Longsword!"

"Battlecard: Radar missile!"

"Battlecard: Gatling Gun!"

The third voice was low, deep, and rough. It seemed to cut through the air at them, and Ronin snapped his head to where it had come from, trying to spot who had said the words.

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