chapter twelve

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Kiya Radner

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Kiya Radner

I got suspended from school for two weeks, which I didn't mind. I just worked, and stayed in my room most of the time. Teddy comes to see me once in a while, just to see how I've been.

Our kiss was cut short when my parents showed up to his house, angry. My mom stayed mad for about three days, while my dad was over it quickly. He didn't really care about me getting in trouble, just glad that I was okay.

I was grounded for about as long as my suspension, which would explain why I've been at home minus work and why Teddy's been sneaking up to see me.

Well, besides my parents not liking him of course.

"Kiya Kiya!" Teddy whisper-yelled, coming through my window.

"What is it?" I asked, smiling.

"We got a paper today!" He ran over to me, waving the paper in my face.

"Calm down." I laughed, taking it and reading it.

"It stated that we can have parties again!" He said, pulling me in tight for a hug. "You gotta come to our next one! It's this Friday, and it's going to be the biggest party yet! I won't make you drink or anything, just want you to be there. With me." He said, pulling away and taking my hand in his.

"Alright." I told him, smiling at him.

Something seemed off, they had two strikes and now they can suddenly have parties again? I shrugged it off, as Teddy pulled me in and connected our lips. We're not dating, but we act like a couple.

Well, secretly. I'm pretty sure his Fraternity knows, but my parents don't. And Nash can't tell my parents if he finds out because he's back at college now.

"Dress cute, but something you're comfortable with wearing, alright?" He asked, and I nodded. "Of course. I'll invite Nat, too." 

"Okay, great. See you then." He winked, before hopping back out of my window.

I walked out of my room and downstairs, it being too quiet. My parents were out with Stella, I didn't know where. They wanted me to cook dinner tonight, which I obliged since I need to start doing good.

Ever since I met Teddy, I've been different. And I hate it. I'm drinking, fighting, and breaking the rules. Where's that ever going to get me? Nowhere.

I told them I'd cook Mac & Cheese tonight and they got excited, so I started the boiling water. Humming along to a song, I cleaned the kitchen up as I waited for the water. When the water was ready I put in the noodles, before going and cleaning up the dining table. 

My grounding ends tomorrow, so I'm definitely going to be able to go to the party in two days. Today was Wednesday, the day American Horror Story comes on, and the day I don't have work. I don't work on Wednesday's, Friday's, or rarely Tuesday's. The only time I don't work on Tuesday's is when my Choir class has a concert. 

As I cooked the noodles, I called Nat and told her about the party. She got excited, and said she'd stay the night that night too. She's come over more since Nash had left, and since my parents haven't fought. But she can't stay that long most of the time since I'm grounded, but I'm sure she'll be over tomorrow since I won't be anymore.

Soon enough I finished the food, and set the plates at the table as my parents walked through the door with Stella. 

"Is there enough room for two more?" My mom asked, as their friends Jimmy and Paula walked into the house behind them.

"Sure." I said, getting out two more plates. I made their plates along with ours and got everyone something to drink.

I got the baby food for Stella, and we ate in silence.

"So did you get all the schoolwork done that you've missed at school?" My dad asked, and I nodded.

"Yep. And I got an A on my English thing. I got ninety-nine percent though, she took one percent off from my language."

"That's my girl." My dad laughed, and I smiled. My cuts were still healing, but they were almost gone and I was more than glad. Nat told me that Ashley didn't go to school for a full week, which was her being suspended for starting the fight.

They didn't believe that she started it at first, until they looked at the school's security cameras. 

"Mom?" I asked, and she looked over at me with a smile.


"I'm sorry that I've been acting very different lately." I told her, and she took my hand in hers.

"Don't worry about it. Your father and I haven't been the best parents lately."

"Hey!" My dad said. "I'm a great parent, right sport?"

I nodded, and we finished our dinner talking about dumb things that popped up into our heads. That was, until Stella grabbed some food off of my plate and chucked it at my dad. 

 Then it turned into a messy food fight.


it's short i'm sorry i'm trying :(

but have a wonderful day/night 

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