CHAPTER 5 : Little friend

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Maria heaved a huge sigh, she had managed to get away from Adam, she cursed as she remembered how they planned to drug her and carry her to this god forsaken place, a place she had promised herself never to step her foot, where she was scorned and shunned by people who were supposed to love and protect and where she first had her demons. She straightened her dress, they couldn't even allow her wear a proper clothing or provisions . Her foot hit a stone and she hissed, she looked ahead and saw an old church. "What is the use of praying?". she thought, although a believer, she had lost her faith a long time ago. She walked towards the church. "Maybe your hidden sins could be forgiven" . Her inner voice whispered.

She took a deep breath and entered the church only to be tugged back by her dress. She looked down at the blonde little girl barely the age of five, holding the tip of her dress tightly.

"Can I help you?". Maria said little bit puzzled at the girl action.

The little girl nodded and gestured for Maria to bend down. Reluctantly, Maria obliged, "My name is Lucia". The little girl whispered smiling showing off her white set of teeth.

Maria turned to look at the girl, her face filled with great perplexity. " Well, am Maria". She said forming a smile

"Likee Meery?". Lucia giggled.

Maria couldn't help herself but laugh, "Yes Lucia, Maria may have come from the word Mary but my name is Maria not Mary".

Lucia breathed an 'oh' and nodded her head, "Maria".

Maria smiled , "Good, that's my name"

" Do you want to play, Maria?"

Maria straightened herself and frowned."I can't, I came here to pray. You can go play with your friends, I am sure they would love to play with you".

Lucia looked down sadly. "I don't have much friends. And my only friend traveled and won't come back"

"Why, dear?"

"I don't have a mummy and daddy and my grand-mummy don't have the money to pay for the playground, so my classmates don't play with me". Lucia pouted still looking down.

Maria became rigid, she remembered when she was younger. She didn't have any friends either, it was only her half sister, Aubrey that got the privilege of having friends and going to the playground. She could always hide at a corner and watch Aubrey play with her peers, she got her satisfaction from watching them but it soon came to an end when Aubrey was sent to a prestigious boarding school and she was left behind.

"Can I pray with you?"

Maria jolted from her thoughts and looked at Lucia, who was already smiling and looking up at her,"What did you say dear?"

"Can I pray with you". Lucia repeated still smiling.

"Uhm... "

"I will pray for you, you just need to respond with an Amen"

Maria was short of words, no one has ever prayed for her before but this little girl had volunteered. She smiled. "OK, dear, you will lead the prayer".

Lucia beamed happily dragging Maria inside the church

They both came out from the church after ten minutes hand in hand. Maria smiled as she looked at the child clutching her hand like a candy, she was so full of life and happiness unlike her who hasn't felt full happiness in a long time . They were now on their way to Lucia's house,according to her, she wanted to introduce her new friend to her grandmother.

As they strolled down the street, Lucia's foot hit a rock and she winced in pain holding her injured foot , concerned, Maria leveled down and massaged the foot gently with her hands. She turned to Lucia. "Can you walk, dear?" . Lucia shook her head, Maria sighed and bent down low, "Climb on my back".

Lucia's eyes glinted in excitement,"Are you going to give me a piggy ride?".

Maria laughed. "Sure, dear, if that's what you call it".

Lucia jumped on her back giggling, Maria stood up and steadied the little girl on her back before continue walking. She couldn't help but smile, this little girl had managed to make her laugh more than five times in just two hours.

"My house is there". Lucia pointed to a small wooden cabin which was singled out from the other buildings. Maria moved closer to the cabin with Lucia at her back and knocked gently.

"Who's there?". Came an elderly voice

"It's Lucia". Lucia pronounced smiling, coming down from Maria's back.

"Am coming sweetheart" . The elderly voice shouted rushing to the door.

The door finally opened to reveal an elderly woman in her late fifties, her head was filled with white strands of hair signifying stress and much thinking, her skin looked pale, her eyes weary and her clothes looked worn out. But how could she forget her? She was the only one that cared for her in her father's mansion, she was like the mother she never had. She tended her wounds and helped treat her scars from the wrath of her parents. However, she didn't stay long, her stepmother fired her and threw her out of the mansion.
Maria smiled, her eyes filled with tears at the woman who had cared for her like no other, "Ma Mercedes". She whispered her voice unsure and mild.

Mercedes quickly embraced her, she had missed her. She was like her daughter, When she had the news about Maria's conviction, she had gone to confront the Marquess for turning his back on his daughter and allowing her to be scorned by the society but dragged out of the estate like a criminal . She had always believed in Maria and knew she wasn't capable of the charges made against her eight years ago.

"My Maria, thank God you are safe". Mercedes breathed still hugging her tightly. "I have missed you so much".

Joyful tears rolled down her cheeks."I have missed you too, Ma Mercedes". She managed to croak out

Mercedes glanced at her, using her hands to clean her tears, "I promise I won't let those devils hurt you again, I couldn't stop them before but I will this time, even if I have to kill them" .
Maria chuckled wholeheartedly and hugged Mercedes again only to be tugged back by a puzzled Lucia. "Do you know my friend, grand-mummy ?" . Lucia asked in her little confused state.

Mercedes smiled looking down at her grand-daughter. "Ah, so she is your new friend?". Lucia nodded beaming in happiness.

"well, This friend of yours is also very dear to me"

Maria smiled glancing at Lucia who looked beyond the depths of happiness. She sighed, she had to tell Mercedes about her past and secrets, the woman was like a mother to her, "Ma Mercedes, I have something to...."

The woman hushed her,"I don't want to hear about your past or anything that must have cause you pain. The past is long gone. You need to freshen up, you will stay here with us and we can talk tomorrow but for now, you have to take a warm bath and have dinner". She concluded taking Maria by the hand into the small cabin with Lucia trailing behind them, jumping in absolute happiness.

Hmm... Will Maria be happy?. You can find out more in the next chapter.
Thanks a lot guys for the support so far, this chapter is dedicated to @nikeline for being the first to vote for my last chapter and to @Fantasies-N-Tealn20s for all her undying support and encouragement. And to the rest, I love u all😘😘😘.
Stay tuned, I will be updating more frequently unlike before

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