CHAPTER 2: Breaking News

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the picture above is Annamaria as Nina Dobrev.
i dedicate this chapter to all those who voted and read the prologue and chapter 1. And a big thank you to monst3rs for voting , please be free to comment anytime.
Maria sat in the bar drinking and waiting for her friend and companion, Rebekah to finish calculating the profits and expenses of the club. she didn't care if the club was making profits or losses, she bought and renovated the club a year ago to escape her past and problems. The club to her was her gateway to forgetting her past but to her amazement the club grew in popularity as every night the club was filled with people, singers and dancers who performed. she enjoyed some of the performances and ignored the others,which to her were noisy. she took a slip of her drink and took a deep breath shutting her eyes.

"It's profit and less expenses!". Exclaimed Rebekah as a smile beamed on her face. Maria opened her eyes and shook her head as she continued drinking from her glass.

"Did you hear me, Maria? I said we made more profits and have less expenses". Rebekah said looking at her friend who kept drinking from her glass.

Maria dropped her glass on the broad styled wooden table and turned to her friend, "I am not deaf. I heard you perfectly, the first time, Becky. And i am sure that i have told you countless of time, that making profits isn't really the big deal here".

Rebekah dropped the cash book on the counter and turned her attention to her phone, "of course, i am not deaf. I heard you perfectly the first time, also". Maria rolled her eyes at her friend sarcastic remark, she closed her eyes once again, feeling the sudden urge to sleep. She needed to sleep, the past three nights were horrible and sleepless as her past demons kept tormenting her. she picked up her bag and stood up ready to leave.

"Maria, you need to hear this". Breathed Rebekah, her attention still on her phone as if something dear to her life. Maria sighed and move towards her friend, "What's so urgent, that is more important than my sleep?".

"This is serious, Maria". She dropped her phone on the table and looked at her friend in worry. "Prince Nathaniel, crown prince of westernfield came up with this idea, a program to increase the association between the higher class and the lower class". Rebekah started as she stared at her friend deliberating whether to continue with the aching news. Over the years, she had watched her friend struggle over her past. The past that haunts her every night. "And you were invited among a few perpetrators to be present at the west wing castle in westernfield this week". She blurted.

Maria stiffened and stared blankly at no one in particular, her soft poppy eyes wavering around their surroundings. The image of the horror she experienced in Westernfield came rushing back. "Maria..are you alright? You don't have to go. I won't let them hurt you. I promise you that". she embraced her and sighed, when she felt Maria exhale deeply.

They broke apart, hearing a distorted cough behind them. Rebekah glared at the tall clad man dressed in a black suit as usual, she groaned getting annoyed at his sudden appearance. She scoffed looking at him once again, knowing the reason for his sudden disruption .With an excuse to go to the lounge, she strolled out not before casually shooting her middle finger at him.

The man simply rolled his eyes at her barbaric gesture and turned his attention to Maria, who was at the bar pouring herself another drink.

"To what do i owe this displeasure, Adam?"

"Its a pleasure to see you too, Maria. I must say its been long since i last saw you". He breathed

"Of course by long, you mean yesterday? Cut the crap Adam, you have been in New York,following me where ever i go and reporting to your mistress like the dog you are". Maria hissed taking a slip of her drink.

Adam took a deep breath trying to outstrip her mockery of him, "i will just get straight to the point..."

"Well, what were you waiting for? What mission did your mistress give you this time?".

Adam groaned and plastered a tight smile on his face, "since you have already heard the announcement made by the council, i was sent to escort you to the palace on Friday".

Maria poured herself another glass and drank, she stared at the man before her blankly without any emotion on her face or what so ever. After a few seconds of silence and heated glares, "i am not going to Westernfield....Precisely, because of the hell that will befall upon them if i decide to go back ". she spoke her expression stoic.

"Well..she advised that you should as it will be an opportunity to defeat your demons and overcome your fears.... She is aware of the nightmares and the drugs , she also threatened to tell Melanie about your previous addictions, if you don't comply".

Maria shot him a hard glare and gritted her teeth, "Funny, she is meddling in my life. Did she suddenly get bored or is it because her granddaughter is still in coma?"

"You know, I can't disclose any information about her"

"Of course, the Perez's and their golden rule of silence. Tell your Mistress, that i will think about going back to that cursed town. But, please do tell her that this will be the last time, she will ever threaten me with Melanie".

"Yes, My lady. She also sent her concerns and wishes that you stopped drinking and pay attention to your health, so...."

The sound of broken glass filled the room, Adam looked at Maria startled at her sudden reaction, worry rushed his face as he caught sight of Maria's bleeding wrist. "Maria". He breathed out as he moved towards her.

"Don't you dare come any closer"!

"Maria, please let me help you.. You are bleeding".

"What the fuck happened here!" exclaimed Rebekah looking at the pieces of glass scattered around the room, her eyes drifted to Maria's bleeding wrist, "Oh my God, what happened?". She asked her voice laced with worry.

Maria looked at her wrist apathetically and sighed, "Its nothing".

"Maria, You are bleeding, i know its hurting. I will fix it up , we don't have to go to the hospital".

"Drop it Becky, it doesn't hurt besides its nothing compared to what I have been through. I am going to the hotel, i need some sleep, lock up when you are done". Maria quipped impatiently taking hold of her bag, she turned and hissed at Adam, "I hope i don't see you again but feel free to drop by when your Mistress dies till then don't show your face to me". She left leaving behind a dazed Adam and Rebekah.
Adam turned to Rebekah, "she needs to come to ...."

"She will be there". She interrupted," I will bring her there myself".

Adam nodded and smiled,"She will be alright, Becky. There is someone there, who can help her".

Rebekah sighed sadly, "I hope so".

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