1: A typical morning

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You are a senior Nurse in a Medical-Surgical ward at (hospital name)

Another morning shift and you enter the staff room prior to endorsement/handover that starts at 0700 from the night staff. You do a final prep of yourself with your compact mirror and fixed your (H/C) hair in a bun/ponytail. As you placed your belongings in your designated locker, you remove all necessary nursing paraphernalia.

"Good morning (Y/N)." Mary greeted you as she entered.

"Good morning Lady, how are you?" You knew she hated being called Mary since you have been friends since Nursing School.

"You know I'm not really a morning person, but I do love to work with you as the nurse in charge/head nurse." She gave out a tired yawn.

"Hey ladies, good morning~" Trish enters the room.

"Hey girl, you're a.m. too?" Lady asked excitedly and gossiped with Lady.
You smiled and thought that it would be a great day ahead amidst the chaos that awaits you every typical morning.

After the endorsement/handover...You and the morning staff did the rounds.

You settled on the front desk beside the Lucia who is the ward's receptionist, sipping her morning tea. She was always half-an-hour early. You piled some documents and studied the patient's information list for pre-op procedures, post-op instructions, discharges, bed admissions from Emergency and among other things. You scribbled some notes on your list and filed the charts back in order. You checked the consultant's list for new referrals and noticed two names which made your stomach flutter within and slightly part your glossy (Lip/C) lips.

"You seem to be in high spirits all of a sudden (Y/N)." Lucia mischievously grinned.
Both Dr. Vergil and Dr. Dante Sparda have patients in your ward today. Two most eligible and gorgeous bachelors are fawned by most female & male staffs. Dr. Vergil is a highly skilled and trained Interventional Cardiologist and is well renowned for his achievements in cardiac research and development. His twin counterpart no less is as handsome and seductively charming. Dr. Dante is a well-sought after Plastic/Cosmetic surgeon. His clients need to wait and book months to be on his list since he spends more time on recreation than work. The waiting list never ends.

You have had a crush on (Vergil and/or Dante) for many years since you started working in this hospital. They were still in medical school and started their internship here until they became specialists. Not that they would be interested with someone like you. Surely they would have been dating more attractive women, yet you felt content seeing them around and acknowledging your work and efforts. They've always treated you and your colleagues fairly and respectfully.
While you enjoyed a few moments of reverie...A young white haired gentlemen wearing a white gown was rushing towards your desk, quite frazzled as he fixed his tie.

"Nero, how's it going?" Lady patted him on the shoulder.

"Um...Good, I guess..." He swallowed.

"Let me know if you have some inquiries. I'm looking after some of his patients." Trish winked at his as she headed for the medication room.

"(Y/N), I have to see Dr. Sparda's patient referral list. You know how he is during patient rounds." He sounded frantic.

"You poor boy..." Lucia came over to fix his tie and his disheveled fray hair.

You laid the charts under Dr. Vergil Sparda on the counter top for the young intern. Six weeks under Dr. Vergil's guidance in his specialty is a serious matter. This week was his final one before the next rotation which is Plastics.

"You've been working really hard Nero. You'd make a great doctor one day." You encouraged.

"Thanks (Y/N)." He smiled sincerely.

Across the hallway, a tall man with a crisp white overcoat that draped over his burgundy collared shirt with a matching black satin neck tie. Over his broad shoulder he carried a brown leather messenger bag. He glided his long fingers against his snowy fringes, parting it more to his right. His bright blue eyes gleamed intensifying his fine features. Your heart skipped a beat at his breathtaking God-like beauty.

A pat on Nero's shoulder made his hair tingle and he shuddered and looked up at his senior consultant.

"G--ood morning to you Dr. Sparda. I'm Nero one of the interns." He bowed and gave out his hand.

"Good morning to you kid. Look I'm not as overly stern as my brother so just chill." He shook his hand in a friendly manner and grinned.

"Pleased to meet you then Dr. Sparda. Excuse me but I need to read some charts." His muscles seemed to relax and he continued with his work.
Dante averted his gaze at the lovely faces of the morning staff.

"My, the gang's all here! How's it going (Y/N), you're as young and pretty as ever." He walked inside the Nurse station and sat beside you placing his bag on the floor.

"I'm good thanks Doctor." You smiled pleasingly and handed him Ms. XX chart (Get a grip, you thought. He smells so good...Ahhh)

"Always one step ahead. C'mon (Y/N), Dante is fine. No formalities." He smirked and accepted the chart opening it.

"Hey, Dante! You still owe me lunch after you lost that bet we made." Lady passed by the counter top with her palms pressed down.

"Okay okay, sheesh Lady. I'll let my secretary drop it by at noon so just give her a call which you'd like at the cafe."

"Oh Dante, you always loose at bets. You have terrible luck." Trish sat down with her pile of charts.

Dante gave a heavy sigh...Then another Doctor approches the station. His hair was alike Dante's yet smoothly slicked back with only a few stray strands over his temple. His striking blue eyes gace a different persona than that of his twin. You eyed at him, his graceful strides and dignified look made him like a prince. He exuded elegance and sophistication. Vergil was wearing a gray collared shirt with a matching dark blue tie under his white overcoat. A Cardiac Litman Stetoscope hung over his shoulders and he carried a black leather suitcase.

"Good morning everyone." He greeted genuinely and nodded at his brother.
The staff greeted in response. You noticed that Nero became pale white like a ghost.

"Hey bro, I was just about to do my rounds and wanted to refer a patient to you."

"That's fine Dante. Miss (Y/N), kindly prepare the chart for Dante's patient. I'll do my rounds first with Nero." He spoke in a very soft and calm tone and smiled at you. You nodded approvingly.

Trish handed out the patient's charts she's looking after for Vergil to inspect. The three proceeded to the patient's room.

"Now Nero, tell me about this patient and the reasons for his referral..."
Meanwhile back at the desk, only you and Lucia were there. Dante left to assess his patients with Lady.

"You know (Y/N), I think Vergil kinda likes you."

"W-what? Of course not, he's just really nice."

"Oh no my dear, just you. I've noticed with the way he talks to you. He's not a man of many words but it's different when you are around. I'm here when your'e not on and he's just...really serious and stern."

"Oh..." You looked down on your lap. You know your cheeks are flushed red behind your pink blush on. Regardless, you still feel unworthy to be in a relationship with Vergil. He deserves better and a man such as him would have high standards. You felt happiness to be around them and share a friendly and professional relationship, nothing more.

"They're both single." The red-haired receptionist called out your name softly and gave you a warm smile.

"A girl can dream Luce." You smiled back and prepared the chart and notes for Patient XX, and waited for Vergil.

I, My, Me and the Sparda Twins: A Devil May Cry Visual Novel/DoujinshiWhere stories live. Discover now