|| moving in ||

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The plane just landed and you were pushed around trying to get off the plane. Once you finally escaped the hot sweaty plane you ran straight for the luggage carousel partly because you were excited about going to your new home and partly because you really wanted to get away from this really big sweaty guy you had the discomfort of having to be under his arm pit. You got your luggage and got a cab to your new home. When you got there you knocked on the door and a tall boy with dark hair and brown eyes answered. "um hi I'm Mae I'm the new roommate" you said and smiled. He smiled back and said " hi I'm Calum come on in you can meet the other 3 roommates. You grabbed your bag and walked in the house with Calum it looked amazing inside he took you down a long hallway that lead to a living room where you saw 2 boys playing FIFA and 1 playing some game on his phone. Calum told them to pause their games and introduced me. They all smiled and introduced themselves. One who was very very tall with blonde hair and blue eyes said "hi I'm Luke". Another with dirty blondish hair and hazel eyes said "hi I'm Ashton". The last one had bleach blonde hair and beautiful green eyes and said "hi sweetheart I'm Micheal". You smiled and asked if your furniture had arrived yet and Calum said yes and that they put it in your room for you already. You thanked them and asked them to show you your room which they did. You told them you were quite tired and you went to bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2016 ⏰

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