Queen Anna chapter 1

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I plan on making this a story after the one I'm currently writing but it's really long and I've rewritten it like a thousand times so I'll try and have the patients to write it again, if not I'll explain things in this story so it makes sense and links in. Well enjoy!

Please don't steal any ideas of mine...

Being rich and powerful is not as amazing as it seems. I cant believe all my life my mother didn't tell me we were magical. She lied to me about so many things then left me, faked her death the left me I should say! She faked her death, left me in a state on the streets, work all the hours of the day so she could go to a different realm to rule on a throne. Selfish or is that just me?
I'm lucky in a way that I actually had a good payed job. I got rich out of it and a good education. My mother worked as a maid in a rich kids school in London and the head master liked my mum and me so he gave me a job which I later discovered that my mother bribed him in to doing so. She was still watching from above. She still looked after me but still the lies? Were they needed?
I found out that I was the daughter of a queen and a dark king. How did that go down you ask? Well my father died and I had to take over from him. How did that go down you ask? Well, my boyfriend dumped me because he was one of the good people and I was now the queen of the under realm so he could no longer go out with me. I have way to much power for my own good. I have full power of the good side because of my mum and full, supersonic power of the under realm because of my father and I'm the queen. I need help.

You guys into it yet?

" hi layla!" I say to my spirit animal. She's a blue cat with a battle sword. I should be intimidated but she can't hurt me fiscally.
" you summoned my queen?" She bows.
" yes I did. I'm bored and had way to much energy so I summoned you." I cant lie to her so why not just say the God damned truth." Do you want to go for a walk?"
" are you sure my queen? What if something bad happens?" She ask, concern on her face.
"Layla, where are we?" I ask strictly.
" the under realm."
" exactly! The people here can teleport themselves to me even though they don't know where I am. We're fine to go and wonder the castle. I haven't seen it all yet."
" if you wish my queen."
I get up from my black hand carved throne and walk out of the throne room.
I've seen the kitchen but it's so busy with people I like to go there.
When I pass someone they say " hi my queen" then they bow. I find it really awkward when they do this but I can't stop it.
Me and Layla head for the back door of the kitchen to go outside but before we could a guard steps in my way. " where are you going my queen?" He asks with no emotion in his voice what's so ever.
" out side sir" I say not as emotionless.
" a guard should go with you my queen" he tells me. For some reason I don't like this person. Not because he's stopping me from leaving but because of the way he talks to me. He isn't intimidated, he seems to be making out that I'm imperial to him. I don't like being looked down to. I know I'm sounding like a bad queen, it's just this guy. he's horrible.
" I've got Layla, she's meant for battle and if I'm in trouble I'll teleport my self and Layla back here. Don't worry. Now step aside please."
" I cant do that unless you have a proper guard my queen'"
Oh for crying out loud. This guy is not going to give me a break. I slowly turn around,everyone is starting, walk two steps then turn back around and fire a massive ball of fire at the guard. Everyone screams and runs out of the kitchen while me and Layla runs out the door to the gardens. The guard is in a bloody heap on the floor.

We don't stop running until we come to this half fallen tree that is hidden in the middle of a forest. I sit on the tree,breathing heavy. Laylas bent over in exhaustion. I don't blame her, that was one long run.
"What if they teleport to you?" Layla asks in between breaths.
" isn't my problem. They don't need to worry about me. I'll be fine on my own, and with you guys by my side it's all good." I say.
" I don't like this my queen. It seems really weird. Something feels off. Should we go back and apologise?" She asks looking around frantically.
I don't know what's wrong with me. I would never lash out like that. I wondered if my power is taking me over. Or did I just turn a little evil back there? What ever it is I'm not going to let it hurt another person.
I turn around because I hear rustling. "Who are you?" I ask, I jump up and run towards Layla. The boy walks forward slowly. He has scruffy black hair and wears all black clothes and spiky bracelets.
"WHO ARE YOU?! Answer before I get mad!" I scream.
" It's fine Anna. Just calm down." He holds his hands up in a surrendering gesture.
I have this urge to kill him or hurt him. Hang on, he knows my name?
" Who are you?" I ask.
" Mika."
"What do you want?"
" Nothing in particular. I would like to take you back to the castle and get the most money for it." He says walking slowly towards me. Every two steps he takes I take one back. I have so much anger towards this boy for no reason. Looking closer at his face he looks about my age. Not old at all. I think it's the evil eyeliner he has around his eyes. I know that must sound really childish but I don't know how to explain it. He looks super evil with it on. I hope he doesn't take me back,I really want to look and explore the gardens a little longer since I couldn't when we were running.
I shake my head no." Not yet. Let me explore a little."
" Why Anna? Is it that bad in the castle?"
" Yes! It's so dark and dull in there. There's skeletons everywhere I look. I like the outside more than in the throne room."
Mika is right in front of me now. Not just close but so close I can feel his breath on my face. He's taller than me but not that much.
" Okay but you have let me see inside the castle after we look around the gardens."
" deal." I say.
"Oh and one more thing. You have to wear this." He pulls out hand cuffs. My eyes go wide when I see them, must have seen my surprise because he laughs." Just so I know you won't run away and break the deal." He says.
He puts one cuff on my wrist and the other on his so we walk side by side. If I try to run he will have to too.

Queen AnnaWhere stories live. Discover now