Guys, be nice...

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Did I hear him right...? "Uhh...erm...w-what was that...?"

"S-sorry....that kind of uhmm......slipped."

I know I'm blushing so I try hiding my face in my hands and he just smiles.

"D''re cute when you blush....." he puts his hands on mine and removes them from my face.

"Th-th-thanks...." yep. I am attracted to this Andy guy. Well this is weird...then suddenly he just puts his hands on my face and he gets close to my face.

"Ever had your first kiss?"

"N-n-no...." wow he suddenly got a lot of confidence....

"Do you want that to change now, beautiful?"

I just slightly nod as a response.

"You sure? You only have one."

I manage to say "yes. As long long as it's with you...." this time it's his turn to blush. But he doesn't hide it. And what he does is he just slowly brings his full, slightly pink lips closer to mine while I just stand there not knowing what to do. Finally his lips touch mine and we kiss for a bit like that then he starts being more passionate and he bites my bottom lip softly as if requesting permission. And I granted him permission and we kinda just made-out in the back of the classroom......when Mr. Denny walked in and saw us he just smiled. Mr. Denny was like an uncle to me....I've known him pretty much my whole life.

"Anna! Stop making- out with the new kid!" He said to start the class.

We break away and I feel somewhat sad at the what seems like a loss of connection with Andy. "S-sorry..." I feel really awkward now and Andy puts his hand in mine and we intertwine our fingers. We take our seats and pass notes to get to know each other better. Turns out he's actually 6'3" and he works out....a lot. He said I was adorable because of my shortness. Me being 5'6" and him being that tall.....then I realize that if he works out, he's strong, and if he's strong, he could force me to do a lot of things I might not wanna do.....after class I gather my things and find Andy, who's already out of the classroom. Eager to be near him. This is so weird! I've never actually liked a guy....

"You okay, sweetheart?" I hear from behind me. Then I name that voice to be none other than Shaun...the douche of the school. I turn around and ask him what he wants. He walks closer to me and puts his arms around my waist. "I want you, babe."

I put my hands on his chest and pretend I want him too. Then I get up on my tip toes and whisper in his ear. "I'm sorry, hun but I don't want you." Then I wriggle out of his grip and find Andy. He's in shock...

"Who's that?" He asked me in a protective way. "And what did he want?" just met me...why are you so protective of me? "His name's Shaun. And he just wants me for my body...he wants to uhmm....well...use me for uhmm........his own pleasure." I try wording it best I can.

He hugs me tight and rests his chin on my head. "I'm sorry."

"What for?" I'm confused.....

"For kissing you out of the blue in class." He says with a hint of snarkiness and sarcasm but full seriousness.

"'s's okay. Really. Don't worry about it..." I reassure him.

He let's go and looks into my eyes with his ice blue ones. "Do you have lunch now?"


"Then let's go." Holding his hand out to me. I take his hand and we walk to my table. Rhain and Rj were in shock when they saw me holding hands with Andy.

"Andy, this is Rhain and Rj." I gesture each in turn.

Ridgeway doesn't make a dramatic entrance but just stood there. "And this is Ridgeway. Everyone, this is Andy." I can feel my group staring straight through me.

"Hi guys..." Andy says awkwardly.

"Don't you even think about hurting her." They all say at the same time.

"Guys, be nice...." I tell them. I can sense Andy tense up next to me and I give his hand a small squeeze.

"Hey...uhhmmm.....I'm gonna go to the library and chill there for lunch...." Andy said with a slightly aggravated sounding tone. Then he turned to me. "Care to join me?"

"Yeah....I'd like that." I smiled and we went to the library, hand in hand, leaving my group behind.

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