a job offer

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 You made your way down the ladder, your sweaty hands gripping on the cold metal ladder. The further you went down, the chillier the air felt around you. Your body started to shiver, your teeth chattering. Your phone started to tremble in between your teeth as you continued on down the dark passageway, threatening to fall out into the abyss. And so it did.

"FUCK!" you shouted, watching your only source of light fall. You braced yourself for the loud smack your phone made when it made contact with the ground. Wait. Contact with the ground. You gained a surge of excitement but also anxiety as you knew there would be the earth beneath your feet once more. Clambering down, the passage started to get a bit lighter, a warm light seeping through the exit. You were able to finally reach the bottom, happy to longer be on the cold ladder. You picked up your now cracked phone, turning it on to see if it still worked. Thankfully, it did, but it was drained of battery from using the light and there was no service underground. You decided to look around, trying to see if there were any traces of Tom and his captor. The walls were completely made out of concrete with three metal barstools on the right side of you. Other than that and an industrial-esque door across from you, the room was barren. You made your way to the door, but stopped dead in your tracks when you heard a pair of boots hitting the ladder you had just come down from. You panicked, quickly pulling the handle and making your way into the next room. With your eyes closed, you took a moment to breathe. When you regained your composure, you looked up, only to be met with a scruffy man with a cigarette in his mouth and a rifle aimed towards your forehead. Crap. Your back immediately met with the wall, your body trying to get away from the gun on instinct.

"Don't move," he hissed. "Who are you?" You opened your mouth, trying to reply, but nothing came out. At least, nothing intelligible.

"Ah--oh,eh, I-- Nuh, uh--" you stuttered, sounding like a newborn trying to speak. The soldier lowered his gun, probably to help you calm down and talk. You took a deep breath and told him your name. You tried to get a better view of him without being in a panicke state and noticed that on the right side of his read and blue outfit, there was a nametag that appeared to be upside-down. It read Paul.

"What's your business here?" Paul inquired, his abnormally large eyebrows scrunching together.

"I... that's..." You weren't sure how to answer. Should you say "Oh, I'm just here because one of you guys captured this dude I barely knew who's probably in a gang or insane"? It didn't seem to be the best option. Paul sighed, a bit tired of your lack of being able to communicate.

"Follow me," he stated, pulling out a thin string from the lining of his coat. He ordered you to put your hands behind your back, tying your wrists together. You tugged on the string, testing out the strength of it. Surprisingly, it was a tough as metal. Paul led you into the next room and instead of being in another concrete room like the previous two, you ended up in a large common room with several other members in the same outfit as Paul. Paul grabbed onto your arm, making sure you don't stray off or get lost, leading you a small corridor that seemed to be cut off from the rest of the community. It led up to a pair of grand doors that were, to be honest, a bit too dramatic. This was probably where their leader was. Paul knocked on the door, shouting, "Leader! I have an intruder with me!" From the other side, you heard rushed scrambling and items being strewn about.

"Come in!" a voice with a thick accent shouted back. Paul pushed in the grand doors to result an equally grand room. You trailed behind him, looking at the man behind the desk. You stared at his face for a moment-- not out of attraction, but because half of his face was bandaged. As you continued to walk towards him, your foot stepped on something that sounded like paper. You looked, down, a bit startled, and observed what appeared to be a magazine. It was open, revealing some... unsettling images of anime girls.

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