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Like many nights, I was only half asleep, my body completely still like hibernation, but I heard small noises of yelling or shooting happening outside. I could feel myself slipping into that blackness I craved so much, but a large banging at the door startled my mind. I moved my previously paralyzed body, making sure I wasn't just hearing things. The banging continued, and this time you could hear shouting. I shot up, shaking Michael violently next to me, Brett missing next to me.

"Open up! Government official business!" The booming voice roared, but I was already up gathering all of the emergency bags we had ready just in case. I threw mine on to the bed, collecting everything in sight as Michael ran out of the room. Any sleep covering my face was wiped off as I shoved different clothes and guns into the army green duffle. I grabbed the thick blanket I slept with every night, zipping up the bag as I ran out with it thrown over my shoulder. The banging continued, everyone running around the apartment as the door began to shake, they were going to break it down. They had been waiting for an excuse to evacuate us for two years, and I knew why it was happening now.

I see Brett standing next to the door, not moving, not helping us in any way.

"Brett, we got to go!" I shout at him, but his head just turns to me, and I freeze in the middle of my own panic. I saw it right in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, Pipes, I can't let you do that." He says, reaching for his gun as anger floods through me. They offered him money. They offered him an out. And he took it.

"How could you?" I hiss, Michael catching on to the situation unfolding.

"What the fuck, man?" He snapped, Brett quickly pointing the gun at me. Anger was pumping through me and I heard the stranger gasp, quickly shouting for someone to help.

"I need food, Pipes. And I need ration cards, you understand, right baby?" He asks and I glare at him, watching him step towards the door with the gun still aimed at me. Michael took a step towards him, but he had already grabbed on to me, twirling me around until the cool barrel was pressed into my neck.

"Brett!" Ashton shouted, dropping the bags in his hands as Parker held her cupped hands over her mouth. The door thumped against the crumbling apartment, and he began to back me into it.

"I thought you liked me," I whisper, the short-lived memories of us from when I met him two months ago replaying in my mind.

"I do, Pipes. I just like money better," He whispers and I grab the gun, pointing it towards the ceiling as his finger falls on the trigger, letting a bullet crack through the ceiling before I jam my heal into his foot and elbow him, turning around to grab the gun from him. I reached up, slapping the heavy metal across his face as he fell to the ground,

"Fuck you," I spat, kicking him before I turned to see Ashton pointing at the window.

"I'LL FUCKING KILL HIM." Michael seethed as Ashton swept all of the food we had into his bag, Parker standing panicked as Luke tried unbolting the window. The top of the door caved in and Luke threw his foot through the glass, moving Parker out of it first. Everyone fled towards the window as gun shots went off, destroying the thin walls around us as I made it out, Ashton wiggling out last before I looked over, seeing Luke already down the fire escape in the back of the building, guiding Parker down as we all followed. We all ran towards the one escape we knew, the sound of large trucks crushing glass and rocks underneath the large tires that could crush any of us. My lungs burned as I forced myself to keep up with everyone, Luke holding on to Parker's hand and dragging her along as they began chasing us from behind in the tight alleyway. On the other side of the buildings, the trucks were following us, shooting in between the large brick gaps.

"COME ON!" Ashton shouted as I gasped for air, seeing him slowing down to grab on to me. I reached for his outstretched hand, feeling him pulling me along as the end of the buildings was vastly approaching. I heard the trucks preparing to cut us off at the opening, so I let my hand slip from Ashton's, watching all of them barely making it in front of the truck. The opening underneath it was just large enough for me, and they were focused on the group on the other side of them. I took a deep breath, throwing my body at a slanted angle towards the ground as I dragged along the rubble before reaching the other side, seeing Ashton waiting for me as I quickly got up, running towards him. I heard shouting and more guns go off, but the gap in the concrete was too close for it to all end here. Luke and Parker were already on the other side with the guns, Michael waiting as Ashton led me towards the opening before I slipped through, Michael grabbing on to me.

I couldn't tell how long we'd been running for, but by the time we slowed down from a jog to a walk, the sun was crawling up the horizon. My lungs burned and my throat was dry and scratchy, my body stiff and begging for a break as we walked into a small opening the sun was slowly creeping into. My legs gave out and I collapsed against a fallen tree branch, Michael soon falling down next to me as the rest followed, Ashton looking around a few times before settling down on the ground alongside everyone else.

No one said anything. Since we left the apartment, not one word was spoken, unless it was a command from Ashton or a small direction for guidance through the darkness. We all just soaked in the warm sun, closing our eyes as the fatigue set in at full force. Parker was leaning against Luke's shoulder, her eyes already closed.

"What do we do now?" Luke asked first, everyone glancing in between each other.

"We need to know what supplies we have," Ashton suggested, everyone removing their bags and setting them in the center of the small circle we formed. Then, we turned them upside down and dumped everything out except for my clothes.

We surprisingly had a plentiful stash of things that would last us a good week, but one week's worth of stuff would not get us to Virginia.

"Piper, put the food in your bag with the blanket. I'll carry the ammo, and everyone gets a gun. Someone will have to carry one of the rifles, Luke you get one two, Pipes gets a shotgun, and Michael gets two hand-helds." Ashton instructs as we all reach for our assigned items. I grabbed some of the ammo, letting a heavy breath go as I feel the eight-pound item straining against my tired muscles.

"We need to go East. We should probably at least stick around the interstate, follow some signs and maybe find a car we could sleep in or jump start." Luke says and Ashton nods in agreement. I began turning my head to look around, but everything looked the same to me. Green everywhere, covering everything in sight.

"Here's what we have of water." Michael mumbled, rolling two large canteens into the center as everyone stares at them.

"We need to stay hydrated. We'll find a river or a lake or something. Something fresh water, no ponds or oceans." Ashton notes and we all nod. Parker was curled up on Luke, probably asleep. We all glance at her,

"We can rest here for a while but two people have to be on guard." Ashton states.

"I'll stay up." Michael announces boldly. I give him a weak smile, mouthing a 'thank you' as Ashton joins him. I fall against Michael's shoulder, listening to the rustling of leaves in the wind and the steady breathing of Michael, for once feeling peaceful.

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