The gods weep

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The gods weep,
Not tears of sorrow,
Or joy.
But weep with the force of countless childless mothers.
Millions of hopeless tears of nothing.

People worship, hate, curse and pray to gods.
Even aspire to one day share their name.
They want to be gods.
No one ever stops to think, how it must feel.

To feel the hopes, dreams,sadness and destruction of all.
To feel the joy of a million beings while a million others cry themselves to sleep.
To laugh while crying, to cry while laughing.
To experience all at once,
the happines and sorrows of infinite worlds.
To feel opposites at once.
To feel happiness to oppose the sadness,
destruction to oppose creation.
Thus; Nothing.

The gods weep not from feeling,
But from an immeasurable numbness created from the emotions of their people.
We cry, laugh, mourn and smile.
While always those gods weep tears of nothing, surrounded by the wonders of the universe.

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