Back In School

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As Shay and I got out the car and walked into the school I got my ear phones, plug them in my ear  and started listening to Beyonce why don't you love me as I walked in.

"Going by the principal office so I'll see you in class " I said taking my ear phones out

" okay " shay said as

I walked up to his secretary. " good morning miss woods is there any new locker assign for me or its the same one " I asked her

" yes everything is the same sweetie " she said

" thank you " I said smiling as I walked away

As I walked out from her office to my locker I saw Marcus standing by my locker. He was looking really sad.

" what happened" I asked him as I walked over to him and held is cheek

" Matts mom in the hospital" he said

" omg what happened" I asked him

" she had an heart attack "

" that's why he was calling me last night , I should have be there for him, gotta go " I said as I started to walk out the school

" where you going " he asked

" the hospital " I shouted so he could hear me

" okay I'll let the others know and we come by " he shouted as I nod then left

I got out the taxi and went into the hospital, then  i went to the front desk .

" good morning I'm here to see clodian bent " I said

" and you are " she asked

" her daughter"

" okay sign here " she said as she gave me and paper to sign

I signed.
" okay she's in room 34 " she said as I hurried to the room

When I got in I saw matt sleeping in a chair. I walked over to her and sat on the bed as I held her hands.

"What you doing here " I heard an voice as I jumped

" you scared me " I said as I turned around and saw matt eyes open

" I've been calling you from last night "

" I'm sorry I was at dinner with Marcus, my phone was on silent" I said

" so you couldn't have called in the  morning " he said

" I'm sorry mat"

" it's kool aiight ti ti was here " he said
"You okay " I asked him

" yeah I'm okay "

"How is mom"

" they say she'll be okay, she's gonna of to take her meds daily and eat right"

" I'll help her with that I'm relief she's okay , ummm be right back " I said as I went out and got an coffee and snack  for him

" Here " I said as he looked up

" na I'm okay "

" matt take it " I said as he took em

" when can she go home "

" doctor said tomorrow"

" okay you can sleep over tonight "

" no it's kool I'll be okay "

" stop being so stubborn , its not an question. I won't let you sleep over by that big house all alone" I said

" I'll ask ti ti to come over "

" okay good "

" so you guys finally started dating "

" no now mind your damn business "

" why you being an jerk " I said

" don't ask me shiiii-" he said as he continued sipping on the coffee

" stop arguing my head hurt" I hear moms voice slowly said cutting him off

" your up " I said as I turned around on the bed and matt got up

" I'll be fine , you two need to stop being so childish " she said smiling

" okay mom " I said

Matt looked at me with  an angry look. " now matt go home and freshen up , you look a mess baby " she said

"And I heard you gave Marcus and second chance , you took the risk of getting hurt just for your baby that's a great step to being an wonderful mother " she said smiling

" okay mom I'll see you later " mat said stepping out

" yes baby " she replied to him

" yeah thanks ma " I replied

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