Gally Imagine

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     Your day started out the same as any other day in the glade. Hot and boring. You had been working with Gally on plans for a big new edition to the homestead for the past three shuck days. It was almost done, and the two of you were both stressing out about it, and when Gally was stressed, he was definitely not a fun person to be around. It was your second year in the glade, and you were pretty much the co-keeper of the builders. Gally used to resent you because of it, but now he and everyone else was pretty much used to it. The sun was finally beginning to go down, and you were happy to know that soon todays work would be finished and you could finally relax and just be goofy with your closest friends in the glade. Chuck and Newt were the closest to you, but you still cared for Newt, Thomas, Minho, Gally, and Frypan.

     "Aspen!" Gally barks. You snap your attention back towards him and you realize that you were totally zoning out on him.

      "Sorry Gally! Just stressed," you reply with a slight frown. He takes a deep breath and drops his pencil for a moment.

      "You're good you big piece of klunk," he chuckles tiredly. You know that he's been wearing himself out with this project and he needs to have a little fun.

      "Woah I see! I didn't see that we were playing the name calling game now!" you giggle.

      "Maybe because you're such a shank!" he answers quickly.

     "Wow I see how it is slinthead," you retort. Gally laughs under his breath a little before looking up at the sky. You begin to ask him about what's on his mind but he looks back down with a ghost of a grin on his face and tells you that you are done for the day.

     "Best four words I can ever remember hearing," you sigh happily.

      "What?" he asks like a dummy.

      "Done. For. The. Day."

      "Ah I see, and I would most definitely have to agree with you shank," he replies, picking up your design and carefully rolling it up.

     "Alright, I'm going to go lay down for a second and then head to the bonfire tonight for the new greenbean! You're coming, right?" you ask as you linger in the doorway, ready to go lay down and relax.

     "You bet!" he answers, "got to let all this project stress out on someone am I right?" he laughs with a quick wink.

     "Whatever Gally, you just want everyone to know that you're the strongest boy in the glade!" you chirp mischievously just before you make your get away, knowing that if you don't hurry he would will you out on your comment.

     You laugh to yourself after you've jogged away from the hut. You can actually feel your muscles physically relaxing as you think about laying down as soon as you get back to your own personal hut. It is a rare occurrence when you get a chance to nap so you weren't going to take it for granted. You turned around the corner of the homestead and were in the line of view of your hut, but suddenly a strong arm clamped around your mouth, shocking you so much that you almost didn't even react. But of course you did, you were tough and weren't about to let some shank boy get his way with you. You sucked in as much air as you could through the part of your nose left uncovered, and chomped down hard on the shanks arm. The arm instantly let go of you as a sharp cry of pain let loose. You turned around to face...Gally?

      "Shuck Aspen I was just messing with you!" he complained, grumpily rubbing his arm.

      "Well how would you like it if I was much bigger and stronger than you and just came and attacked you because I felt like it?" I replied angrily. He looked up from his arm with his eyes sparkling.

      "Speaking of my strength, did you call me the strongest boy in the glade?" he asked in a deep voice that made your heart beat pick up.

      "No, definitely not. I think you mistook me, I clearly said weakest," you tease, a grin spreading across your face as you begin to take a few sneaky steps away from him.

      "If I was weak could I do this Aspen?" he asks in an even deeper voice with mischievous, sparkling eyes.

      At first he does nothing and you turn confused, letting your guard down. Then very quickly his arm reaches out and grabs yours, pulling you up against his hard muscular chest and wrapping his arms around you tight. You squirm around in his arms desperately trying to prove him wrong and get away, but he is too strong and you can't even manage to wiggle around a little bit.

      "Okay Gally you win! You big shank!" you say, annoyed.

     "So I've proved my point?" he asks with a smirk, arching one of his beautiful eyebrows.

     Instead of giving up, you get one last idea. You look up at him and smile at him as sweetly as you can. He loses focus on keeping his grip and you quickly lift your feet up off the ground so that Gally will be left holding all of your weight. This catches him off guard and you both fall to the ground. It wasn't exactly what you meant to do, but maybe now you could squirm out of his grip. He turned when you fell so that he landed on the ground, and you lay sprawled out across his chest. For some reason, instead of jumping up to get away and claim yourself victorious, which was the original plan, the thought crosses your mind that maybe you like being like this. Gally is so warm and you can feel his heartbeat against your cheek. You lift your face up and look at Gally, his face has turned a slight shade of red and he's smiling back at you like the big shank that he is.

     "This isn't what I meant to do –" you start to explain but get cut off when Gally sits up and pulls you even closer to him. This time it's more of a passionate hug rather than a playful one this time and your stomach swirls so much that you feel as if you're going to melt against him. Slowly, you wrap your arms around his torso and pull yourself completely against him. You hold on tight because in that moment, you wanted to freeze time forever and never let go.

     "Aspen..." he mumbles against the top of your head.

     "Gally I don't want to let go. I love you," you say quickly before you can change your mind. Gally has always been a friend to you, but in that moment, all of the memories that you've had with him in the glade come rushing back. As you sit there, pressed tightly against him, your arms wrapped around him, you realize that you love him with all of your heart. You always have. After hearing this, Gally pulls away from you a little bit and your heart stops beating. This couldn't be good at all. He looks into your eyes very seriously.

     "Aspen you have helped me so much since you've been here, you couldn't even begin to understand how long I've been waiting to say this; I love you. I love you so much Aspen," he replies with a grin wider than you ever thought you would see on his face. Like gravity weighing a shank down onto earth's surface, your face was pulling closer and closer to Gally's. You couldn't breathe.

     "I love you so much," he whispered lightly against your lips sending tingles throughout your entire body. You wanted so badly to kiss him, you had never felt love like this before.

     "Kiss me Gally," you whispered back just before your lips came together and transformed into one. His arms were in your hair, around your waist, and pulling you so close to him that you felt like one with him. You loved him so much, and you were flooded with the warm feeling of being loved by the most handsome and gentle boy you had ever known.

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