【chapter 01】

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Sawada Tsunayoshi, a 17 year old next in line Mafia Boss, funny to hear a highschooler involved in the mafia no? Add in the fact that the teen was nice, warm,sweet, and kind-hearted. It makes it harder to believe that he is the next heir to the most powerful famigilia, the Vongola Family. But for now the brunette was walking down the streets of a town in Sicily, Italy, he sighed as he remembered that he has to find a date sooner or later for the ball that was arranged by the current boss of the Vongola Family, Timoteo or otherwise known as the Vongola Nono, in the next 4 weeks .Tsuna's Spartan tutor have threatened him of finding a date or else..

The brunette with gravity defying hair stopped in front of the best café in this town, well in his perspective anyway. Once he went in the tiny bell that was hanging above the door rang out earning the attention of the person standing behind the counter. A huge grin decorated the woman's face as she recognized the brunette '' ah Sawada! Ciao! '' she greeted

The woman looked like she was in her twenties; she had short ginger red hair accompanied with blue irises and she also wore thick red framed glasses. ''Shirley, Ciao '' Tsuna smiled as he walked up to the counter '' what brings you here? Let me guess looking for a girl to bring to the ball?'' the woman named Shirley said with an accent leaving every words as to the fact she wasn't Japanese , Shirley was a friend of Tsuna whom he found out was a hitman . '' what no? '' Tsuna gave out a laugh '' but I still don't have a date, maybe I'll go without one even if Reborn goes all Spartan on me '' he added ''what~ how boring '' Shirley pouted only to be rewarded by a chuckle from the Decimo

''the usual then? '' Shirley smiled ''yea, a latte '' Tsuna said ''arrivando fino (coming right up) '' the redhead smiled and started to brew up the said coffee. Tsuna left his payment on the counter as he found a table in the far back of the café near the window. The place wasn't that full, just a few people as the while the low sound of music filled the place accompanied with the strong aroma of coffee. Tsuna fiddled with his phone as he waited for his latte but then the ringing of the bell sang

He didn't know why but his eye's looked up from the screen of his phone and onto the person who walked in followed by two other's. His chocolate brown eyes widen slightly as his lips parted a little, there stood someone who looked awfully familiar to him. He then recognized the familiar straight pale pink hair that was slightly curled now, the pale white skin color adored with dazzling crystal light blue eyes. Ito Miyuki, a classmate of his back in Namimori Middle

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