【Chapter 09】

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Silently looking around her, Miyuki's lips formed a little frown. The feeling of someone watching didn't leave her. She couldn't pinpoint where or even guess who's watching making her mood fade "geez what's with you today?" Angela asked, walking ahead of the pink haired girl while she looked for a store "what do you mean?" Miyuki reverted her light blue orbs at her "you're not focused on finding a dress at all " the brunette said while taking a change of direction towards a store that sell party dresses, with a sigh,Miyuki ran to catch up

"Hmm, Hey what kind of girls does Tsunayoshi like's?" Angela asked "what kind...um I don't know" Miyuki shrugged "why don't we call him then" Angela took Miyuki's phone in one swift move and started calling Tsuna's number

After a few rings the male brunette finally picked up "Miyuki what's wro--" Tsuna was cut off by Angela "Ciao Tsunayoshi! " she cheerfully greeted as her pink haired companion stood dumbfounded "Angela?" He said with confusion "Hey I just want to ask something, what kind of girls you like? The shy one, the boyish one or umm...oh the flirty one? "Angela asked a train of questions as Miyuki just looked around the place

"Ne, could you give me my phone back?" the pinkhead said" wait he's going to answer my question now "The female brunette raised her hand "I guess...the s-shy one?" An unsure answer was heard from Tsuna "Okay grazie!" Angela cheerfully said before hanging up. "He said he likes the flirty type of dresses" Angela smirked at Miyuki "Like hell he would say that!" the gymnast exclaimed, her face bright red as a laugh was heard from Angela

"Seems like you know him very well I guess "Angela started to look around as Miyuki did also. A few moments later the Ito girl's phone started buzzing, looking at the caller ID it read 'Uncle Alderic' , Miyuki went out the store to answer the call and as she and her Uncle talked over the phone an unknown shadow was walking up to her slowly

"Uncle I--"

"Can we have a chat Signora?"

Whispered the blonde man, Miyuki's eyes narrowed when she felt a gun being pointed at her. "Uncle I have to go" she said before hanging up and quietly stood there "let's get going, Boss would be delighted to see you in person " He chuckled and kept his gun away before leading the pink haired girl to an alleyway. She saw two figures waiting for them and on the other side of the alleyway waited a jet black car together with more men. She pursed her lips, her pace slowing down a little

"Wait" a familiar voce ruined the silence that filled the air, the blonde man and Miyuki looked back. Tsuna stood behind him with an arm draped on his shoulder, a blank look on his face but his eyes held anger in them

Miyuki looked closely and saw a hint of orange in them, orange? "Decimo?!" They freaked out, hastily pulling out their guns but were seconds late as Tsuna flipped the man holding Miyuki sending him on the floor. Her eyes widen, a gust of wind passing by her. She heard the grunts and whines from the men behind her, turning her head around she saw them laying flat hard on the floor or either in the dumpster chilling. Tsuna stood in the center, a blank look on his face

"Wow, the last time I saw people grunting and whining on the floor was when I beat them with my grandfather's cane"

Miyuki whispered to herself "what?" Tsuna raised an eyebrow while walking towards "what?" She looked at him with an equally confused look. Tsuna chuckled as he shook his head "are you all right?" Miyuki smiled "yup, thank you"

"But how did you knock them out in one go? You're really cool Tsuna-kun "Miyuki said, looking back at the men still on the ground and dumpster "um magic?" Tsuna shrugged with a laugh before leading Miyuki out the alleyway. "Thanks again Tsuna-kun" Miyuki smiled "it's nothing, be careful this time "Tsuna's hand unconsciously caressed the side of her head, she nodded which earned her a smile from the brunette

"See you later"

"Yea...see you"


I'm sorry if it's short and i'm sorry if i haven't updated in a long time

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2017 ⏰

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