【chapter 03】

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"I'm home " Tsuna said while he entered the huge castle of the Vongola Famigilia " and like anyone could hear me in a huge place like this " he sighed and as if on cue his future right-hand man suddenly appeared behind him " welcome home Juudaime ! " Gokudera Hayato said with a huge smile painting his face "H-Hiee! G-Gokudera-kun ! " Tsuna jumped in surprise

"Yo ! Okaeri Tsuna ! " Yamamoto Takeshi also appeared out of nowhere as he slung an arm around the silver haired bomber who looked irritated at the sudden appearance of the Rain Guardian."don't act so chummy with me Baseball freak ! " Gokudera shouted at the ravenette who only gave a laugh making the decimo smile in nostalgia. It's been 3 years but the two still acted the same but get along well now

"Ah by the way Tsuna " Yamamoto said "hm ? " Tsuna looked at him and raised an eyebrow " have you fond a date yet ? " the baseball player asked

His cheek's flushed as he remembered the pink haired Ito girl's smile back at the cafe ''i-i...yea I already found her '' Tuna stuttered as his cheeks was a shade of rosy red ''ehh really ? Who is this girl Juudaime?? I need to know if she isn't a threat'' Gokudera asked a  train of questions ''d-don't worry I'm pretty sure she isn't a threat '' Tsuna said with a chuckle '' then? Who's this lucky girl Tsuna? '' Yamamoto asked ''Ito Miyuki, you remember her? She was our classmate during middle school '' the decimo said as the trio went to walk in the living room '' Ito...Ito....'' Yamamoto repeated her surname like he was remembering a certain memory ''Ito? Oh the girl who's always helping out Juudaime "Gokudera said '' yea her '' Tsuna smiled as he sat on the couch '' I think she was a bit mysterious back then '' the silverette grunted which earned a laugh from his two friends '' and what she doing in Italy ?'' Yamamoto asked '' to visit a relative is what she said '' the brunette answered '' this world is quite small isn't it '' a child's voice said behind the couch ''e-eh Reborn '' Tsuna looked behind him to see a 8 year old Reborn smirking at him . Apparently he was 5 years old 3 years ago and now he was 8, same age as Lambo. '' what do you mean Reborn-san? '' Gokudera asked ''I mean there are tons of girl's from Tsuna's class but he still get to meet Miyuki again '' Reborn chuckled

''she might as well be the Neo Vongola Primo's future wife '' the hitman said as his famous smirk appeared on his lips

''what are you saying Reborn ?! '' Tsuna said as his face grew a dark red '' back then whenever you appear she has that look on her face , I'm guessing she's your admirer '' Reborn said ''huh? That can't be true '' Tsuna said '' why don't you ask her yourself '' the kid shrugged. Tsuna's phone suddenly rang causing all the people inside the room to look at the brunette, he fished out his phone from his pocket before checking who texted him

''who's it from Tsuna ?'' the baseball player asked ''it's from Ito-san '' Tsuna swiped his phone open to check the text message '' why don't you start calling her babe or honey or even Mi amore (my love) '' Reborn suggested '' we are not on that level yet ! And those nicknames are a bit cheesy! "Tsuna exclaimed as he went on to read the text

Ito Miyuki

                                Sawada-kun, about the ball .My answer is Yes

Tsuna's eyes lit up as a soft smile appeared on his lips while he stared at the pinkette's answer to his proposal was it? Hahaha. ''Ohh she said yes '' Gokudera said as he looked at the text message on the brunette's right side while Yamamoto was on his left side looking also on his phone, the baseball player whistled. ''I'm guessing she said yes? '' Reborn said as he sat beside Tsuna '' yea she did ''

''why not ask her out on a date? Tomorrow "the kid said ''umm...'' Tsuna thought about it '' why not? ahahaha it's a great chance to catch up and a chance to get to know her better right "Yamamoto laughed as he laced his fingers together on the back of his head ''and I'll be with you Juudaime, to guard her so she dosen't do anything suspicious '' Gokudera grinned ''n-no you don't need to Gokudera-kun '' Tsuna laughed ''b-but Juudaime '' the bomber whined ''it's okay really , I was thinking of taking her out on a date anyway and I'm sure she isn't a threat '' Tsuna smiled earning a smirk from Reborn ''well if you say so Juudaime " Gokudera gave in as Tsuna started typing on a reply

Ito-san if you're not busy tomorrow could we go on a date?

Sure, meet you near the beach

"Well she sure replies fast '' the brunette laughed at the fast reply after a second or so

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