Keyunna Pov.
Next Day......
I woke up to my favorite song "It Won't Stop". I hesitated to get out of bed but I know if I didn't I would end up falling back to sleep which would cause me to be late for school. I got up and made my way the bathroom. I hopped in the shower. After my shower I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I had put my hair in a wrap last night so all I had to do is bump it. I went to my closet and picked out a short short jean overall and a white tee. I pick out a polo beanie and some adidas white shell heads. I put it on and I left one of the straps down. I through on a gold chain and and some diamond bow earrings. I didn't want to where a purse today so I just through on my MCM bookbag. I didn't really need any makeup so I just through on some carmax. Crusty lips are never the move. After I checked my self out in the mirror I grabbed my keys and headed down stairs and left out I hopped in the Range and was on my way to school. While the song "I'm a Stoner" blasted through my car. Did I mention that the Nae Nae is my life. I love that dance.
I pulled up at the school in my usaul parking spot and got out. I instantly saw the crew but Tyga was with them -_-.
"Hey Niggas" I said as I approached them
"Hey Ke" They said
Tyga was about to say something but I quickly rejected
"I gotta go see y'all in class" I waved good bye
I went to my locker and got my books. Headed to Ms.F class. Where the rest of the crew was already.
I took my seat in the back as usual and focused in.
"You guys will be partnered up and be given a topic to work on" She said
"Keshawn and Dasia"
"Cash and Jennifer"
"Micheal and Keyunna"
I sucked my teeth and zoned her out after that. After she was done calling the names I raised my hand.
"Yes Ms.Simmon's" She answered
"Uh yes is there any chance that I could maybe switch.....Um partners" I said with an eyebrow raised
"I'm sorry Ms.Simmons but I have put you all together based on your ability to help each other" She replied
Damn I said in my head
"Now if you all would all get with your partners so I can assign topics" She said to the class
Of course I wasn't getting my ass up he better bring his narrow ass over here. And he did.He pushed a desk closer to mine and I didn't even look at him.
"Alright" Ms.F said to me and Tyga
"You two will be assigned 'How to keep a relationship going strong" She said
Lord she forever tryna do this to somebody. First she pair me with Tyga then she gonna assign us this topic.
The bell had rang as soon as we got the topic. I got up and tried to leave but a arm stopped me from going any further.
"Ma I can't take this any longer" Tyga said
"Take what" I asked a dumb question
"This ignoring me and shit" he said
"I don't know what your talking about" I said putting all my weight on my left leg and crossing my arms
He laughed" But what we gonna do about this project" he asked as we walked out the door
"I guess you can come over to my house tonight I mean its du....." I said but was interruped by him
"Sure thing ma what time" he said excitedly
"8 would be fine" I laughed
"Ight ma I'll be there" he said
After that conversation schooled seemed to breeze by. After the last class I went home and caught up on some home work which took awhile.Like 3 hours! After I was down I decided that I would work out. Keeping this figure In check wasn't easy. Especially because I have the mind of a fat person. I was in the workout room for awhile when the door bell rang. I checked the time and it was about 7. It couldn't be Tyga cause he suppose to be here a 8. I got off the tread mill and headed for the door. I figured it was just my mom so I didn't bother to cover up. I thought maybe she forgot her key again. I was only wearing a spandex sports bra and some spandex shorts and my nike air max's.
I answered the door. And it was Tyga. Why was he here so early?
Tyga Pov.
I had came to Ke house early because I had to do a drop to night so I had to knock this out first. I knocked on the door and there stood Keyunna with only a sports bra and some tight ass shorts.:D Well damn that drop tonight might be running a little late to night if you know what I mean ;D.
"Oh Hey Ty what you doing here so early" she said letting me in
"I had to come early because I have to do something a little later tonight and I didn't know how long this might take" I said stepping in her house
"Oh okay that's cool" she said getting in front of me leading me the living room
Ugh OMG! Her ass was like Pow! My homeboy down there was getting a little to excited.
She made sure I was settled.
"Okay Ima go up stairs and put some clothes on, You gonna be okay?" She said
"Yeah I'm Gucci Ma" After I said that she took off running up the stairs. The way her ass looked when she ran was a vision of paradise. I really need to make this girl mine some way some how.
A little after. She had came down stairs and she was wearing sweatpants and a white tee and some glasses. Can this girl get any finer!
"Ight so what you wanna work on first" she asked snaping me out of my trance
Keyunna Pov.
This dude is so corny but it's cute on him
"What you mean 'Us' last time I checked you didn't put a title on 'Us'"I said with a blush
"I want to make us 'Us"
"What are you implying Mr.Tyga"
"I'm saying that Keyunna Faith Simmons will you be my girl" he asked me looking in to my eyes and holding my hand
"But we barely even know each other" I said
"But we can get to know each other on the road to making our relationship stronger"
"Yes" I said taking his face and smashing his lips in to mine
So I guess Keyunna Simmons is offically off the market
Heyyyyyy Readers.! Sorry It took me so long to update my mom had taken my cellular device. But I got it back now.! Thank the lord.! But anyways I'm gonna start asking you guys questions and things about the chapters.! And also comment your books below so I can read them.! I'm always looking for new reads to add to my library.
-How do you feel about Keyunna and Tyga being a couple now?
Of and I have uploaded a picture of Keyunna on the first chapter and I have uploaded a picture of her outfit on this chapter.!

My Heart Belong's To A Thug (Tyga Love Story❤️)
FanfictionSee what happens when a thug moves to town !