Keyunna Pov.
After we were done at the drive in movie. Michael dropped me off back home.
Since I'm officially a college student. I didn't really have anything else to do but be home ,everybody else is lame. Either out of town partying or apartment hunting. But today was me, Dasia and Tiana day to be lame. We had to go apartment hunting.
It was now 1 o'clock and the girls should be pulling up any minute now. As soon as I thought that my phone began to ring!
"We outside bish, come on!" Tiana
"Bish Whet!" I said laughing getting my purse and walking out the door
We first went to Hemlock Apartments that was about 10 minutes from the school and then we went to Sherlock Apartment homes then we went to Bucklock Apartments. What the fuck is up with all these damn locks. Is there something I need to know. Like I gotta lock my doors and shit. Well if that was the message I got it very clearly. We eventually settle on Bedlock Apartments. -_-
When we were done it was like 6:30. We decided we would grab something to eat. We arrived at this restaurant. We got out and did what you go to restaurants for and we left. By the time we were all down it was 8 o'clock. I asked them to just take me home cause they didn't have any moves for tonight.
We got to my house. Which seems like it took forever to get to. There was my mom car and of course mine. But there was a car in the driveway that I haven't seen before.
I was gonna knock on the front door but I realized I had my keys. I walked into the house and realized I haven't called Michael all day. I was finna walk up stairs when I over heard a conversation that caught my attention in my mom office. Knowing my nosey ass I crept up to the door and put my ear it.
If sounded like they were just ending the convo. I hurried up the stairs.
I went to my room and closed the door and locked it. I looked out my room to see who was in my momma office but I couldn't see there face. I was thrown outta my thoughts. When I got a text. And it was from Michael.
MyHeart❤️😍😘: Hey Babe!
Me: Hey Nigga!😒
MyHeart❤️😍😘: Why the nigga? and the face
Me:Cause you ain't text me all day!😔
MyHeart❤️😍😘: Sorry babe I had a lot to do today. You know my case tomorrow and speaking of that are you gonna be there?
Me: Wouldn't miss it for the world😘 Maybe for a Drake concert! Lol jk
MyHeart❤️😍😘: I see you got jokes. You won't be saying that when I tear dat ass up!😏
Me: Yea what ever you can't tear this ass up, it ain't paper. You gotta put it down!😉
MyHeart❤️😍😘: Will see the next time I see you😉
We continued to text. We even FaceTimed before I fell asleep on him.😁Oh well he needed to get some rest for his big day tomorrow!
Tyga Pov.
I woke up this morning ready to get this shit off my record.
I went in the bathroom and did all that hygiene stuff. After I was done I went in my closet. I didn't really have that many dressy clothes. Shit damn nar any. The only thing I had was the suit I wore to my grandmothers funeral. I put that on. And I instantly thought of my Grandma Nita. She was a beautiful woman. She always kept a smile on her face no matter what times it was. She would have loved Keyunna.
I grabbed my phone and keys. And was out the door. I hopped in my Rolls Royce and headed to court. When I pulled up at the court I immediately spotted Key and her momma. Her momma had a hateful face on. I mean what man didn't give the good d. I just brushed it off.
We walked in the court room and there was the judge. I always thought when I came face to face with a judge I thought they would be like judge Mathis, yelling at niggas and shit. Talk shit get your hand cracked😒
We had taken our seats and we were ready to start the trial.
"Present your case." the judge
Keyunna Pov.
"Present your case" the judge told then
"Well, your honor I'm not gonna stand here and sugar coat the truth, this man is guilty! He committed those crimes"
"What the fuck are you doing mom!" I screamed
"Honey, it's for your on good!" she said turning around
"Man fuck that shit and fuck you!"
"Order in the court!" the judge said
"The jory we now go and deliberate"
1 hour later.....
The short black man stood up.
"We the jory find Michael Stevenson..........."
~Momma S wildin' but why tho.? That's f'd up.!

My Heart Belong's To A Thug (Tyga Love Story❤️)
FanfictionSee what happens when a thug moves to town !