Chyna Pov.
I jumped out hte car and ran to her side.
"Key, you all right!" I screamed. I know I haven't known this girl long and I only met her a couple of times and the times I have met her has been drama but I'm still Chyna dammit I have feelings.
I shook her and their was no response.
"HELP!" I screamed out and police came running out. One pulled out the phone and called the ambulance and they were there in no time.
When they put her in the ambulance I got the keys from her pocket and followed it. I pray that she is okay.
Next Day.....
Michael Pov.
I knew some way some how I wasn't gonna stay other day in prison. But this prison they stay they some top notch security but lastnight somebody was shot in the parking lot. They didn't give us any information about the situation. But word is it was a female.Feel sorry for baby girl.
It was now time to go make phone calls. Once I made it to the phone booth. I picked up the phone and called Key number. I called and there was no answer. Which was a little strange cause she was usally waiting by the phone by this time to answer my call. I put the phone back on the hook and turned back around to walk back to my cell. But that nigga from the other day. He just looked at me and laughed . I just ignored his bitch ass and continued walking to my cell. And I was stopped again.
"And we meet again"
"We never met your bald headed ass just always in my face" I said
He laughed"You are being released"
"Bout time" I said
He led my to the front and I collected my items and called Keshawn to pick me up since Key wasn't answering her phone.
Not long after he pulled up and I got in the car and told him to take me to Key new apartment.
"My nigga, you missed the exit"
"We headed to the hospital"
"Oh word, who there" I had fousing in on my phone
"Oh you didn't get word"
"Nah,What's up"
"Key What?" I said putting all my attention on him
"Key got shot man" he finally blurted out
It felt like the whole world stopped. Sadness and Anger began to build up in me.
We finally reach the hospital and I ran in and went to the desk.
"What room is Keyunna Simmons in?"
She popped her bubble gum,blew a bubble, looked at me and continued her conversation on the phone.
I went around the counter and hung up the phone.
"Listen here you walmart brand weave wearing bitch my girl back there and I don't know what condition she in so I suggest you pull up her room number on that computer before I pull out my gun on you! Got it?"
She hurried to her computer and quickly pulled up Key information.
"She currently just got out of surgery and she currently can't have vistors at this time, you can wait in the waiting room and the doctor will be in there to give you further notice on her" she quickly said in a frightened tone
I walked in the waiting room prepared for war, after I see my girl and see the damaged they caused to her I will do triple the damage better yet kill they asses messing with me and mine.
I was thrown outta my thoughts when I spotted the whole crew in there. But what really caught my eye was that Cash and Chyna was all caked up.
Honestly at this point I really didn't give a damn cause the only thing I cared about at this point was MY girl.
We waited hours and hours until a doctor came.
"The family of Keyunna Simmons"
We all stood up and walked toward the doctor hopiong for the best
"Is she okay?" I said getting straight to the point
"Well unfortunately Ms.Simmons was shot in the stomach but luckily it missed her major arterie"
I felt a sudden madness come over me and my blood started to boil.
"Can we go see her?" Dasia asked with sadness in her eyes
"Yes you may, follow me" he said leading the way
We finally reached her room and there she was. My anger melted away when our eyes met.
"MY BITCH!" Dasia and Tiana yelled as they ran over to her
"Glad to see you okay youngin'" Keshawn said
"You know Ima rida" she said in a whisper and a smile
"You had me scared girl" Chyna said as she greeted Keyunna with a smile and a hug
What the hell! When did they become all buddy buddy. Damn things can really can change when they have you locked up in some dusty ass cell. I thought to my self.
I was broke back when me and Keyunna eyes locked again.
"We'll leave you to alone" Dasia said as she looked back and forth between us and taking Keshawn hand and exiting the room and soon after everybody followed and it was just me and Key.
She gave me a weak smile and waved me to come over. I walked over and I was at her bed side.
"What's wrong baby" she asked
"It's that I can't believe that someone I love is sitting in the damn hospital and almost had a near death because of some fucked up decisions I made in my life" I said looking down
"Look at me" she said holding my hand" I signed up for this, to be with you and to be your ride or die and these are just the outcomes. Not saying Ima be getting shot all willy nilly now" she said laughing "But I love you so much and I would do anything for you" she said giving me a smile
"That's why I love you girl" I said smashing my lips in to her, we kissed long and passionatly before we were interrupted by the door opening.
And It was.......
~Sorry I haven't updated in while.!
~But what y'all think.?
~I love reading you guys comments, some y'all be having me dying.!
~New Book Cover.!
~OMG.! Ciara is pregnant.! I'm so happy for her.!

My Heart Belong's To A Thug (Tyga Love Story❤️)
FanfictionSee what happens when a thug moves to town !