Chapter One

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So what seems to be the problem?" I say to a odd troubled couple in my office on a Sunday afternoon.

"He just won't listen to me! He just sits on the couch watch the game and drink beer. He does even touch me anymore." The wife replies. She is a kind looking woman, very thin and from the sound of her voice she really cares about her husband.

"That's cause you always nagging me I needa break from your mouth once in a while." The husband as a grouchy voice seems cold hearted and a little on the chubby side. Both of them look about in there 50's. I look at both of them, then make a decision.

"Ok it seems you two are lacking the connection your marriage needs to survive. I suggest you two have a date night. A night where you two spend time together whether it's going to a movie or out to dinner, or-"

Cut off by the husband he says "Woah, woah, woah! Do you do that with your wife?"

"Well no..." I say.

"Are you even married?"




"Come on are you even dating?"

"Uh no sir" I look down at my feet and start to wipe of my glasses. The husband looks at his wife in disgust.

"So you mean to tell me you hired us a marriage counselor who isn't even married, let alone dating?"

The wife then responds hestitently. "Well I- I didn't think to ask..."

The husband grabs his wife and helps her up. "Let's go we're leaving. We don't don't need your help Dr. Walker."

As they leave the room in haste I lay back in my chair. Once the door slaps I give a big sigh. That's the 20th one this month... And it's the 26st of January... I walk over from my couches to my desks I pick of the couple's file and toss it in the trash next to the desk. I then press the pager on my desk phone.

"Sophie?" I hear feedback then my secretaries voice.

"Yes Dr. Walker." I hear the inthusiasm in her voice. I can her the flirting come any minute. Sophie has been wanting to be with me ever since she was hired. She sleeps with any man she can get her hands on, I don't want to get wrapped up in that.

"Are you calling for me to come and show you a little fun Daryl?"

"No and it's Dr. Walker"

"I'm sorry Dr., don't punish me..."

"Just bring in the next clients. What's the names" I hear silence for a couple minutes. I assume she is checking the schedules.

"There aren't anymore today sir..."

"Oh that's disappointing"

"Would you like me to come in and help make up the time sir?"

I sigh. "No that will be all. You can leave for the day. See you tomorrow."

"Ok Dr. Walker, have a good afternoon."

I sit back at me chair behind my desk. My iPhone begins to ring. It's my best friend Harvey.

"Sup Harvey"

"Hey man. I know you at work but is there any chance you could take off? We all going paintballing."

"Yeah I can go. My schedule just cleared..." Pick me up at my place in an hour. I got to get my gear."

"See ya then DJ."

I walk out of my office into the waiting room. I walk out the door and I flip my sign. "The doctor is out..." I murmur to myself.

I arrive home and walk to my house. Boy could I use a nice glass of scotch right now, I think to my self as I got for the bottle on the counter. I place my little book on the table then I grab a glass from a cabinet and go sit on the couch. I pour a glass of scotch, but instead of drinking the glass I begin to Chung down the the bottle. After the last drop glides down I check the time. Seeing the guys will be here in 10 minutes. I go change out of my suit into my gear and grab my gun out the closet. My phone rings. It's Harvey.

"Talk to me."

"Outside man and I forgot to ask, you can pay for yourself right."

"Y-yeah u don't need to worry."

"Good now get the hell out here."

I grab my stuff and my book and walk out the door. In the car I see my best friend Harvey at the wheel, next to him is Tyreese, and in the back is Andrew and Anthony.

"Grown men shouldn't be squeezed into a small car like thit..." I begin to say as I open the door and climb in. I put my book in the pocket in the seat in front of me.

"So how was the job today? Any interesting topics ur clients talked about? Come on spill" Tyreese ask.

I start to lie as if I really had clients "Classified information. Listen Tyreese and Harvey when the games start us three will be the front line and Andrew and Anthony you will be support cover us. Remember there will be about ten more people on our team so we will figure their jobs later."

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