Chapter Two

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After the massive game we are now packing up to go home.

"Man that was some massive shooting Daryl!" Harvey says.

I wipe my face. "Thanks dude, but we all did good. Yo Andrew you got that guy mid jump!"

"Yeah but only cuz that guy over there told me before it was too late." Andrew says pointing to a guy shining his gun with full body armor and helmet still on. "Yo dude get over here!" He calls the person over.

Harvey opens the cooler to the last 6 beers and passes them around. "Cheers to our captain- Dr. Walker and this masked warrior." He place his hand on his shoulder. "Good job dude."

A fimilliar voice shimes my ears. "I'm not a boy" The masked hero speaks removing her mask revealing her face.

I choke on my beer and get up. I stand in front of her and stare at her for a moment before I try to speak but cough because of beer still in my lungs.

She laughs "Is that all you have to say to me after so many years?"

Standing in front of me was my first love. Christiana.

"It's nice to see all of you again." She says to us. "I guess there is no need to ask how you been Daryl. A doctor. So successful. I'm an ambassador now. Only in town for a week maybe we can catch up James." She always loved calling me by my middle name. "I trust you still have my number." I nod. "See you later than Love." She begins to walk away. She use to always acknowledge who ever she is talking to before she leaves as Love.

"Wow what crazy luck dude! Didn't she break your heart years ago?" Antony says.

"Y-yeah...." I respond. I start to grab everything in haste. "L-let's just go."

We put the stuff in the car and get in. We soon get to my house and I grab my gear and get out. I drop my gear at the door and changed into a shirt and pants and shoes. I grab my keys and get into my car and head to my favorite bar.

After an hour in the bar I find myself drunk. I'm ready. I walk up to a girl I been eyeing ever since I walked in. She had been sipping on the same glass of wine.

"Hey" I say smiling at her.

"Hello" she says back. From what she is wearing I can tell she just came from work. A blazer, blouse, a skirt with stocking and nice heels. From the way she is looking at me she seemed very interesting. No pick up lines. I'm going to speak the truth.

"Your very beautiful. How often have you been told that?"

"Not very. Actually not at all."

"Well that's a sin. You should be told that more actually repeatedly everyday."

"Thank you"

I then take a gulp of her wine, automactly I noticed why she was sipping on the same glass for so long. It was very strong. I begin to lose my head then ask the deal breaking question I wasn't planning on asking.

"So want to go to my place and have some fun?"

She laughs and pulls out paper and a pen and scribble something. She then pulls out a 5 dollar bill and place it on the table. She then takes the sticky note and stick it on my forehead. She then gets up and start to walk away.

"How bout you talk to me when your sober." She then walks out of the bar.

I begin to feel light headed. I notice what's happening. I'm blacking out. I crash against the stools and pass out.

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