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Hermione paced blindly, not paying attention to her surroundings. Her chest ached when she thought of her argument with Severus. She couldn't believe that he expected her to terminate her pregnancy. She knew that she needed to calm down, and that he hadn't meant to hurt her. But, his proposed ultimatum cut like a knife in the moments after the concept of impending motherhood had settled in her mind. She'd felt a sudden rush of unexpected joy and it had slipped away like vapor with her husband's words.

David, Andy and Lucius watched her progress back and forth across the floor. When they heard a quiet sob escape her lips, Andy hurried to gather her in his arms. A single tear trailed down his cheek as he cradled her against his chest. "Please don't cry," he whispered. "Just calm down."

Hermione pulled away just enough to tilt her head back to look at Andy's face. "I just can't do it," she choked out. "The thought of giving up our baby..." She closed her eyes tightly, as if to shut out the idea.

"That's understandable," David said, moving closer and gently running his fingers through her hair.

"And the Harbingers need to be together," Hermione insisted. "Our bond is important. It's vital."

"You don't need to convince us," David laughed, shifting to stand next to Andy. He reached for Hermione's face and gently brushed her tears away. "I get it. Severus does too. But, he's always going to try to protect you. He's scared out of his mind right now."

Hermione sighed, pressing her fingertips to her temple. All of the anxiety and crying had given her a throbbing headache.

"Why don't we help you relax a bit?" Andy asked, offering her a smile when she opened her eyes and peered up at him.

"What do you have in mind?" she asked warily.

"Well, like a true Harbinger," Andy said with a grin, "you stormed right into the music room."

Hermione looked around in mild surprise. Habit had drawn her to the music room. It wasn't as large and spacious as the ballroom, but the music room was rather soothing to Hermione. Lucius had set it up for more private practice and Hermione frequently went to the room to unwind and lose herself in the music. It shouldn't have surprised her that her feet had led her to that sanctuary when her heart and mind were in such turmoil.

Andy approached the beautiful grand piano and sat down at the bench, running his fingers over the ivory keys reverently. He smiled at Hermione before beginning to play a soothing ballad.

Hermione took a breath and started to sing softly, the familiar lyrics spilling from her lips as a few more tears trickled down her face silently. She turned and faced the window, looking out onto the gardens. Andy closed his eyes, playing from memory as he enjoyed Hermione's voice.

Draco and Harry slipped into the room, nodding to Lucius. Harry moved to the nearby drum set, preparing to join in for the first chorus. Lucius was silently directed to a violin and David levitated some sheet music so he could follow along easily. David sat down next to him with an acoustic guitar.

Hermione turned quickly in surprise when she heard the other instruments begin to play. Then Draco started singing the next verse, holding his hand out to her. She allowed him to draw her away from the window, her left hand clasped gently between his hands. Soothing warmth flowed out of his hands and up her arm, calming her troubled mind. She joined in with a lovely harmony, her voice soft.

Draco's looked a bit amused by Hermione's timid approach to their duet. He continued to sing, but lifted one hand and made a beckoning sort of motion, as if urging her to come closer. But, Hermione understood the gesture and sang a bit louder. Draco lifted one eyebrow in challenge, and was rewarded when Hermione visibly relaxed and launched into the next chorus.

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