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Caroline shuddered in response to the wave of nausea that swept over her. Her back throbbed with pain from the wings that had torn through her flesh. She glanced at her sisters, seeing that they had managed to remain upright despite the searing pain.

They were inside a building that looked like an abandoned warehouse. The lighting was dim, but it was enough to show the three women how much danger they were in. There were too many people to count standing in the large open room, and they were all staring at the Sirens.

"I'm so glad you could join us," said a voice that made Caroline's skin crawl. Grant approached the women, not bothering to spare a glance for the vampires that dutifully stepped aside to allow him to pass.

Grant stopped in front of the Sirens, his eyes drinking in the sight of Caroline. "You look amazing," he murmured sincerely, his lips curling into a slight smile. The smile faded when he saw her flinch away when he reached for her. He dropped his hand back to his side and sneered. "You should have returned to me when I asked so nicely," he said, his tone now cold.

"Nothing sweeter than threatening someone's loved ones," Sam said sarcastically.

"Shut up Sam," Grant snapped.

"Not a chance," Sam responded calmly.

Grant stared at her incredulously. "Are you blind?" he demanded loudly, gesturing to the large crowd of vampires. "You're surrounded and outnumbered. What the hell do you think you're going to do against this many vampires?" He sneered cruelly. "Do you think a handful of Guardians are going to find you? And even if they did, would they survive? Of course not."

"You don't know our Guardians," Jenna argued stubbornly.

"I don't need to," Grant replied. "They wouldn't stand a chance. Especially if they're anything like poor Andy," he added, mocking their friend. "Is he still prancing around doing your makeup?"

"You leave Andy alone," Caroline snapped.

Grant turned to face her again. "No," he said angrily. He moved closer, his narrowed. The Sirens backed away as he approached, but found themselves against a wall. Grant reached up and jabbed his finger into Caroline's sternum roughly, pleased when she winced. "I'll do as I please. Nobody is coming for you. Not only will you be my love, but I will have your power as well. I will break you," he snarled.

Caroline slapped his hand away from her and then cringed, knowing he was likely to strike her. As expected he brought up his hand to slap her, but Jenna's arm snapped out and she grabbed his hand. She swiftly twisted his arm backward as Sam's fist connected with his face.

Grant howled with pain and rage and stumbled back a few paces, clutching his face. The other vampires started to rush forward but Caroline sang out a long piercing note. Her sisters started singing as well, making the vampires stop. They knew they couldn't keep it up indefinitely, but the Sirens were hoping to keep the vampires at a distance long enough for the Harbingers to reach them.

The Harbingers stood in a clearing just outside the woods that neighbored the town that was their destination. Upon arrival, they had sent the Guardians out to sweep through the town to keep down the risk of being overwhelmed by vampires. Pansy had insisted that Grant would have a large number of vampires spread out through the town just in case anyone attempted to destroy his plans.

Pansy pointed with a shaking finger toward a large concrete building in the distance. "Grant's wards won't let us get any closer," Pansy managed to pant, wrapping her arms around her middle as sharp pain enveloped her. She was shocked when a hand rested lightly against her back. She turned around and stared at Hermione with wide watery eyes. Pansy was simply in too much pain to jerk away from the touch, so she settled for a glare.

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