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"There's only one thing I want. You." Justin Ramondès hands were travelling above the comfort line of my bare knee, his mouth etching itself into my neck. His breath was a mixture of vodka and Hennessey and his dark stubbled chin smelled of sweat and cheap cologne. His hands stopped along the edge of my skirt and started rubbing his thumb just under the hem. There were no goosebumps, sensations, anything that vaguely could have turned me on, he was like the rest. All the guys at this party were drunk and arrogant, letting the swirl of hard liquor and a cocktail of drugs lead them into law breaking situations and hard rejection.

"What you need is someone who actually thinks you're charming in this state, meaning you're not getting lucky tonight." I pushed his hands away and got up turning to look down at the guy whose cheeky grin and soft features originally made me feel comfortable. His eyes had grown weaker with the alcohol and his lips were pursed in a disapproving way.

"Whatever slut, I could have ten of you" I couldn't help but laugh as his head rolled back and his body stopped supporting him. Drunk, drugged, and a cocky bastard.

Looking out at the party there were the bodies of friends from school pressed closely to strangers and other classmates. Red plastic cups created pathways to passed out teenagers and broken bottles. Girls were in the back corner, tears making tracks through their makeup, friends patting their backs sympathetically hoping they stopped soon so they could participate in the next drinking game. Some of the boys were outside smoking while other played a messy game of beer pong on a glass table that had around three minutes of life left. I pulled my black cardigan slowly from underneath Justin and wrapped it tightly around me. While walking to the door I dipped my head into the bathroom, and there as expected was Ivy, head thrown over toilet bowl and feet splayed on the cold tile floor, her boyfriends hands wrapped around her orange hair. "I've got this Aurie." I nodded my head at him lightly shutting the door behind me. Drunk to the point of inebriation and possibly alcohol poisoning like always.

As I started to walk home the sounds of the party disappeared, the music beat still thumping through my head. My boots made their own noise on the pavements, echoing through the empty streets like a drum. The party wasn't meant to get to that point, a going away party for boy in my year whose parents were too busy fucking other people to give a shit what was happening. But that's where money gets you, what looked like a truck full of alcohol and enough recreational drugs to put away the entire football team. I stopped walking for a moment as I approached an alley to my right, a shadowed figure up against a wall caught my eye. Putting my head down and picking up the pace I continued the walk, passing the ally letting a breath I didn't know I was holding out. That's when I was grabbed. My hair was pulled, jarring my neck back, clammy hands felt their way around my body and something cold was pressed against my neck. All I could hear was my heart beat and the heavy breathing of my attacker. I stared up at the dark sky, pain spilling through my head, words mumbled in the distance. The front of my body was pushed against a damp wall, and the hands that were once wrapped around me holding me tight were now travelling up and down the side of my body.

This is where it ends. I felt my head hit the wall once, then twice, letting the world sway. My body started to go numb and the hands that once violated my body disappear. My body hit the floor but there was no pain, all I could see was the dirty black brick of the alley and in the distance the feet of a few men. I let my eyes shut. If I was to die now was I at least happy? I couldn't leave my mom like this, it would just be her left. I shifted my arm from under my body, letting a groan out. The world was still dark as I couldn't get my eyes open. The last thing I heard was the soft spoken words "".

Embrace Me: Guardian AngelWhere stories live. Discover now