What the hell...

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The noise was like a buffalo stampede. Whatever it was, it was large and fast. And it was coming right at us.

"Trevor...", Evelyn whispered. That was my name. Trevor Louser. Forgot to mention that. "Trevor...", she asked me again. "Where did you say we are again.." "I didn't..say..", I muttered. Then there was the noise. I will never forget that noise..and neither will Evelyn.

It was like a shriek I've never heard before in my entire life. It was like a whistle, but it had a type of noise added to it that would make a tough guy run for the hills. Well, not theses hills of course.

Then the snow started to fall. Not from the sky, but from the hill. It was an avalanche. But with the snow were these things. These creatures that were running in the snow like it was freakin' concrete!

I couldn't quite make out what they looked like, but I knew that they weren't coming over to say,"Hello newcomers!". I started to panic, and so did Evelyn, then I had a flash back.



I was 6 in a half years old. I was playing outside, kicking a blue kick ball around with my best friend Jimmy. We were playing kickball and it was my turn to kick. I don't remember how we made it work with just the two of us, but some how it just did.

We were in the middle of the street and behind us....was the forest. I was getting my self ready, stretching my leg, tying my shoe, all that. I was wearing my special green and black nikes that I always wore when I would go outside.

He was also getting prepared too. He yelled out,"Are you ready, dude?" I shout,"Yeah, ready to beat you!" Then he giggled and rolled the ball. I swear, when I kicked that ball, I felt like I was the Hulk kicking a dodgeball, only because it was rubber, but man! I kicked that thing SO hard!

It was just a few seconds, then it was gone. it disappeared into the woods.

Now, don't get me wrong. My parents weren't idiots. They didn't tell me that I could go running around in the woods, but hey, it was my favorite ball.

I was about to go get, until Jimmy said,"No way! I'm not letting you get it. I'm the roller." "Wait.." But I knew there was no stopping. Woods or no woods.

For a 6 year old, Jimmy was really brave. In our third grade class, when the teacher asked us who would come up in front of the class and show our projects, Jimmy would always be the first to raise his hand.

When the teacher would ask a question that no one knew the answer to, he would always try to answer it. Even when he was completely wrong.

He was stronger than me and I wasn't afraid to admit it. He started after the ball and then he disappeared. I heard rustling for maybe about ten minutes. I could tell he was deep in the woods because the rustling from the bushes stopped.

He shouted out,"I found the ball, Trevor!" And at that very moment, I heard the scream.



Panic. Back then was what I felt now. Not just the,"I forgot my homework," crap. I'm talking about REAL panic. And I could see it on Evelyn's face that she was panicking too. She was even hyperventilating a little.

"Trevor, what is that?!", she whimpered. "what do we do?!"

"I don't know", I whispered. I don't remember if she heard me, but I think she knew I didn't know what to do. Until I heard the pattering of paws.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2014 ⏰

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