The boss.*~ (original)

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I sighed, slamming my head onto my desk. The day had been hard, dealing with new hires and drug testing them. And then, my boss wants me to do blood tests as well. All because "it would be cheaper to have the nurse of the company do it and send it off, than to pay doctor fees and have them send it off."

I growled at the sulk-intruding knock.

Perhaps I should introduce myself. My name is Tricia Brannon. I'm currently twenty-eight with one child. I earned my RN, top of my class. And when I first started this job, I was a temp with no experience in anything. I ended up getting my RN, the company hired me as a nurse. And bam! I've been here two years so far.

I looked up from my desk, and my boss, Chris, standing before me. "Well, I wanted to check on you, and see how many of my to-be-new-hires I get. But you look like a gator, ready to attack the next person who disturbs you." He blinked. I sigh and straighten up.

Straightening the papers on my desk, I look at him again. "You're the only one, I wouldn't murder in their sleep." I mumbled, and began flipping through drug test results. Chris chuckled and shook his head. "Do you ever do anything except work?" He plopped down in a chair across my desk. I stopped flipping through and sorting papers, just to look at him. "You know good and well, why I do what I do. Don't even try to pretend to be interested." I scoff and hand over the "passed" result pages. He took them and sighed.

"Tricia, let me take you to dinner." I paused from scrolling on the computer with my schedule for tomorrow. "Do what?" I felt shocked. My boss, the man who is above me, the man who can fire me without a bit of hesitation, just asked me to dinner?!

He straightened up. "Did I stutter? It's gonna be a long night, you look hungry. Why don't we go get some dinner?" I look back to my computer screen a moment, shutting the computer down.

I look back to him, considering my options. I was hungry, that I couldn't deny. But he was my boss, and there's a strict policy about dating co-workers. But on the other-hand, it was just dinner. His excuse for me not eating much.

He chuckled at my hesitation. "I promise I won't tattle to the boss or nothing." He winked at me, I sighed and stood up. "Fine, I am hungry." I said, as we left the office. I locked the door behind me, and left a note for anyone who may need attention to call the EMTs.

I followed him to his truck, and hopped into the passenger side. It was a 2017 GMC Sierra, painted in night sky black. It was truly a pretty truck, I loved it at least.

He drove to our local steak house, parked and we went in. "Good evening, just the two of you?" The hostess greeted and asked politely. Chris spoke up. "Yes ma'am." She smiled to him, that flirting kind of smile. "Booth or table, preference?" Again, I'm ignored. I sigh and roll my eyes. "Booth." He answers, taking my hand.

She eyeballs me before leading the way. Oh yes, he was definitely a charming, handsome, devil of a man. But even I knew, he didn't particularly like women hitting on him like a bunch of horny dogs.

We were seated and our waitress came over promptly. She didn't look to be much younger than I was. She had shoulder length blond hair, in curls around her face. Blue eyes that could pierce a man's heart faster than Cupid could with an arrow. And a perfectly curved body where fat should be and skinny where it should be. I was amazed at how gentlemanly Chris was being.

He didn't flirt, he didn't stare at her. He was genuinely more interested in what kind of specials they had going, keeping only eye contact with this goddess of a woman. I tried to not look for fear of crying. I hated pretty people, I really did. See I didn't have the right junk in all the right places, I didn't have the blond curls or the piercing blue eyes or the....

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