Saved by the punk (SLC PUNK2 prt 2)

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He was a bad boy with a heart of gold. Some part of me wanted him in that moment he kissed me. His lips were soft, his tongue pushed my lips apart. Our tongues danced together in harmony. I was lost, and he knew exactly what to do.

He pulled back, breaking the kiss. I stared into his eyes as we breathed for air. I could feel a cracking sensation in my chest. Like ice was melting around my heart. I blushed red, as he rested his forehead on mine. "I'm sorry, I couldn't resist." He apologized, and I noticed a bulge. I touched my hand to it and felt the size of him.

His lips parted, as his eyes closed. His breathing labored. He locked his lips on mine and walked me back towards the bed. His fingers skillfully undid my top, and unhooked my bra. Crash broke the kiss and made a blazing trail down my neck to my chest.

While he sucked on one of my nîpples and played with the other. He used his free hand to undo my belt and jeans. Before he could undo my pants, I stopped him. He looked into my eyes, and I could see the hurt in his. "Crash, I want you. I just don't want to rush into this." He nodded, understanding.

He nuzzled my neck as we laid there. I felt the tears threaten my eyes. As the memories flashed behind my eyelids.

"Thomas no please!" I begged as he slapped me across the face. I fell back, and held my face. "A bitch like you should know her place, you're a good for nothing slut. Now, suck my fucking cöck and don't you dare bite. I'll knock those pretty white teeth out." He threatened, as I didn't move.

"You okay?" Crash said snapping me from my mind. He wiped tears from my face, and I realized I had been crying.

I pushed him off and went to the bathroom, slamming the door shut and trying to stop crying. I slid down the door and sobbed into my knees. I heard crash on the other side, as he knocked on the door. "Babe, are you okay?" I didn't dare answer him. I heard him sigh, as he walked out of the bedroom. I burst into tears harder than before, hearing the front door shut.


I awoke on the bathroom floor, and looked into the mirror. I looked like I had been out drinking all night. I sighed, going to my room. I seen crash's vest laying on my bed, and a note.

Babe, I don't give this to just anyone. I'm sorry if I triggered something, and I hope I'll see you again soon. You're the first girl I've ever met that I've liked like this. Please, don't be gone forever ok?

Gavin "crash"

My eyes widen, as I changed and got ready for work. I took one glance at the jacket before I grabbed it and put it on. It was a chilly day, and I could use it.

I sighed, pulling into work and seen the red car that belonged to Ross' girlfriend. Reminder to self, I need to get her name. I open the door, and see them standing at the counter. A worried look on the girl's face. "You!" She growled at me, I looked confused. "Penny, calm down." Ross said, as she tried to come towards me. "Where is Crash?!" I looked to Trish confused. "He didn't check in?" I didn't even wait for an answer as I rushed out the door to find him.


It took me an hour, but I found him at a park. He was sitting in a tube slide. I crossed my arms and walked to him. "Crash..." I heard a thud as he tried to sit up. "Shit..." he groaned, sliding out. He looked at me as I handed his jacket to him. "Keep it." He'd say, as I lowered the jacket. "Crash. Penny and Ross were worried." He shrugged. "Why do they care?" I fidgeted. "Maybe they thought I murdered you. I can't say, I didn't ask." I looked at the spikes on the jacket as I kept poking the spike.

Crash took my hand and made me look at him. "I'm perfectly fine." He'd say, kissing my face. He turned and yawned, I guess I woke him up.

He wrapped an arm around my shoulders as we walked to the car. "I'm surprised." He'd say once we were inside the car. I look at him confused. "You called me Crash." I shrugged and started the car.

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