Dont fear (loving) the reaper (SPN pt 2) *~

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Sarah blushed as she looked at Dean. "I'm so sorry, I've just never felt that strong of..." she trailed off, at a loss for the word she needed. Dean tilted his head a moment before both heard the bunker door slam shut, indicating Sam's return.

"I brought bacon burgers and cherry pie." Sam announced, as Sarah vanished into smoke. Sam looked to Dean in question as to why she left so suddenly.


Sarah leaned against her desk, looking out the large windows that overlooked limbo city. "Nephilim are off limits, loving humans are off limits!" Sarah looked at the window to see Michael's reflection, glaring at her. Sarah returned the glare. "Besides, Dean is Castiel's human. Not yours!" As he slammed a paper down. "You make it sound like human's are dogs." She'd respond, ignoring the paper.

A hell hound perked its head up and gave a loud yawn as though it were being talked to. "It's okay, Tiny." The hound looked at Michael and gave a snort before curling back up.

Michael sighed at Sarah, as he walked to stand in front of her. "Please, don't do anything stupid." He'd kiss her forehead before heading to the door. "He's not human." She'd say, making Michael stop in his tracks. "What are you talking about?" He'd keep his back to her. "Dean isn't human, he's a nephilim." She'd vanish leaving Michael to wonder what she meant.

Michael went to the main office, on the door was the title God's office. He knocked, "Come Michael." Came the familiar voice. "Father, is what she says correct?" Chuck sighed and frowned to Michael. "Some how, Dean has become a nephilim. But he's not an ordinary nephilim. I can't figure it out myself right now." Michael sighed and nodded, leaving the office.


Sarah paced in the bedroom Dean had designated as hers. A knock on the door made her stop. "Is it true?" Castiel leaned against the door, watching her. "He's... he's not... he's like me." She sat on the edge of the bed, as Castiel came and sat beside her.

He wasn't sure what she meant, nor how to comfort her. If she even needed it. "Sarah, you mean..." she nodded her head. "When and if Dean dies for good, he will become a reaper."

"You've got to be shitting me, that's why I can't reap his soul?!" Came Billie's voice as she appeared. Sarah hugged herself tight. "What about Sam?" To this Sarah glared. "He will end up a demonic prince. It doesn't make any sense to me." Billie left in a flutter of wings, a glare of anger left behind.

Dean knocked on the door, shooing Castiel away. "Sarah, are yo--" he was cut off from her running up and pressing her lips into his. Jumping into him and wrapping her legs around his waist. He held her up, as he balanced himself without breaking the heated kiss.

Dean shut the door behind him as Sarah frantically tried to pull his shirt off. Dean felt a spark inside his soul when he broke the kiss to sit her on her bed. He pulled his shirt off feeling her fingers roam over his abs. "I'm so sorry." She'd mumble undoing his belt and pants.

Dean pushed her back and began stripping her cloths off. He wasn't sure himself if it was lust driving him or something deeper. He just knew he wanted her bad. Sarah ran her fingers through his hair as he nibbled at her neck. "Sorry for what?" He'd groan, grinding against her. "Dean, take me as yours." She'd nearly beg as his fingers rubbed over her aching püssy.

She grew very wet at his touch, and moaned out loudly. He was already hard himself as he growled against her neck. He stopped teasing her to pull himself from his pants. Rubbing the head against the wetness, before pushing himself in with a moan of his own.

Her nails dug into his skin as he pumped in and out of her. Her moans growing louder as her body pressed into his. "Oh god!" She screamed as she hit her peak, feeling him throb inside. "I can't hold back." He whimpered, "don't stop, just cüm!" She moaned hitting a second climax.

He sounded like a lion as he grunted/growled his climax. He thrusted two times and panted into her neck. Staying inside of her for a few minutes.

After about five minutes, he relaxed enough to pull out. Sarah's right eye was a heavenly blue, and her left a pitch demonic black. Dean looked her in the face. "You aren't evil or good are you?" His fingers gently touched her face. "Neither are you. Dean, you're my soul's mate." Dean smiled and nuzzled her neck. "Sarah, don't disappear very far." He'd whisper, dozing off.

Even reapers have soul mates, usually another reaper.


Fast forward two weeks later, Sam sat breakfast down for Sarah. "Thank you, Sammy." She'd say, rubbing her already slight bump. "So, is the child Dean's?" Sam asked sitting beside her. She set the fork down and took a serious look on her face. "Yes, it's his. Yes, he knows. No, it's not a nephilim." She'd stare at the scrambled eggs Sam made for her. "So if a female angel mates with a human male, what's the creature?" Sarah hadn't ever heard of such a situation as no female angels went near humans much. "He will be the first of his kind. So chuck is leaving it up to me to name his species." Sarah wriggled her nose. "I say name it Sam!" Sarah laughed at the suggestion. "Oh, wait species? I thought you meant actual name." Sam blushed red.

"How about..." Sam trailed off to think of a proper name for this new kind of creature. "Reporal." He'd say, as Sarah tilted her head at him.

"Explain?" She'd ask, as Sam beamed happily. "Reporal, much like a nephilim but born between a human male and angelic female." He felt proud of himself. Sarah laughed and nodded. "I'm guessing reaper and mortal?" Sam nodded. "Nobody has to know." He chuckled.

Sarah smiled and stood up, going to lay down.



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