Diagon Alley

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over the next couple of days they settled  into hogwarts and awaited the arrival of September the 1st when everyone else would arrive.About a week after they arrived , 3 days before the start of term they were escorted to a shopping trip to Diagon Alley by a house elf named Dobby.They were overwhelmed by the ammount of colour in the street they couldnt decide were to go first so they asked Dobby 'why you must visit Gringotts , the wizarding Bank first to retreive your money' the 3 cousins looked at each other ' But Dobby we dont have any money' they looked at their feet embarrsed at their poor wealth Dobby smiled  'ah , surely you dont think you have no family ? well i can assure you do and they have left you a good ammount of money' they looked up beaming an hour later they were taken out of the bank by 2 sturdy goblins with bags full of money , they went in all the shops buying everything they needed for their fiirst year at hogwarts.When they arrvied back to the school they were met by the teachers who asked how their day had gone.They had a hearty Feast and drowsily climbed the grand staircase to their beds , they were instantly asleep and dreamt of what september the 1st and the rest of the year would bring them.What they all jknew is thta it would be good.

i hope you enjoyed my story i might add some more to it but i dont know yet.so follow vote and comment :) 

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