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"I'll be up in my room!" I called to really no one in particular. My entire family was either sitting around the kitchen or playing games in the living room.

I ran up the stairs and entered my room, closing the door. It was still a disaster from having my friends sleep over last night, and I promised my mom I would clean it up before everyone got here tonight.

I stared around at everything scattered around the floor and let out a groan at the torture I was about to endure. I took my phone out of my pocket and connected it to the bluetooth speaker to play some music.

I picked up the clothes from the floor and threw them into a pile in my closet, jamming out to the music and completely losing track of time. I hung up the clothes, organized and put away all my makeup, threw away all the wrappers, and made my bed. My door opened and my best friend, Samantha appeared. She flopped down on my freshly made bed. "Alexis and David broke up again."

I grabbed my phone and the second the screen lit up I started scrolling down through all of the texts from the group chat that I missed. I unlocked it, plopped down next to Sammy and started at the top, reading until I reached the bottom. "He fucking cheated on her!" I hissed, looking over at Sammy to see what she thought. She looked just as pissed, if not even more, at what had happened.

David and Alexis have been in an on and off relationship for the past two years. They usually broke up over stupid things, like Alexis was talking to a guy or David ditched her to hang out with the guys. As time went on, their breakups were over more serious things, like David forgetting a last minute date.

"Do you know why he cheated on her?" I asked Sammy, and she shook her head.

"We've been trying to figure that out. I came up with a plan in my head to try and figure it out but haven't told anyone yet," she said, sitting up so that we were facing each other. "Either me or you are going to seduce him and start trash talking Alexis. Hopefully he'll open up and say why he cheated on her. We'll have our phones on voice record so it picks it up and once he admits why whoever ends up doing it stops and boom! we have our answer."

"Good plan," I smirked, running my hands together in an evil-like way.

"Come on, my mom made lasagna and I want to get some before it's all gone," Sammy said, jumping off the bad and pulling me with her downstairs.

Almost everybody was in the kitchen, dining and living room. It was an open concept so everyone was still able to see each other and hang out. Sammy and I grabbed our plates and helped ourselves to the food crowding the island. We went and sat down at the large table in the dining room, where Sammy's older brother, Conner, was sitting.

"Look who just showed up, the accident on the highway," he smirked, leaning back in his chair in a casual sort of way, placing his hands behind his head. Oh I wish I could smack that smirk right off his face.

"At least I'm not the poster child for failed abortions," I snapped back, ignoring Sammy's "not again" as the two of us sat down at the opposite end of the table.

"Ouch, that really was a bullet to the heart. If I wanted a bitch I would have bought a dog."

"Do you always have to act like a dick? Maybe you should wear a condom on your head to warn people." He laughed.

"Please, if we all dressed like our personalities you wouldn't even be sitting here right now. No one wants to be seen with a piece of shit."

"You know I'm trying to see from your point of view but I can't seem to get my head that far up my ass!" I snapped, giving him a glare full of hatred.

"Need me to do it for you?"

"Conner!" Sammy gasped, standing up abruptly. She grabbed her plate and my hand, and I barely had time to grab my own plate before she was pulling me out of the room and back upstairs. When we were safely in my bedroom with the door closed, Sammy looked at me with a pointed look. "Do you two always have to fight?"

"He started it this time!" I said childishly, looking at her from my place on the bed.

"You couldn't just be the mature person this time and ignore it?" She almost pleaded, sitting down next to me.

"Where's the fun in that?" I grinned, all of the anger after my encounter with Conner vanishing as I finally began to eat my dinner.

So here's the spin off or third book to Luna and Alpha. Reading those two may help you understand characters a little better but it's not absolutely necessary.

Anyways, what did you guys think? I'm really happy to get this story started. I have it all planned out and even though it's short I can't wait for it!

By the way the lil' conversation that went on between Conner and Carlie was so fun to write and I feel bad because it was so cruel but it was so funny at the same time.



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