Chapter 2

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"I have to go. Your family's going to be home soon and my mom is probably wondering where the hell I am," I said, trying to escape Conners arms to pull my dress back on but he wouldn't have it. His arms were wrapped tightly around my waist and he gave no sign that he was going to move them.

"Please just stay a little longer," he groaned, his voice coming out muffled because he had buried his face into my neck. The little kisses he was leaving were making it hard to breath and I almost changed my mind about leaving.

I let out a soft moan which only seemed to encourage him to continue, and it was harder then I ever thought it would be to come to my senses and gently push him away. "I've already been here for four hours," I smiled, slowly rolling off the bed and looking around for my underwear. I found it across the room on his desk and slipped it on, looking for my bralette in the process it on the small couch in front of the TV. I made a big deal about searching for both of them, smirking as I heard Conner moan.

"If you keep doing that I'm never going to let you go," he whispered in my ear as his arms wrapped around my waist. He was still naked and I could feel his thing on my lower back.

"Let me go Conner," I teased. He unwrapped his arms from my waist and let out a huff, crossing his arms like a little four year old. I put my bra on and reached behind him to grab my dress. "I promise that we'll find time to do this again soon," I whispered, slipping my dress over my head as he grabbed his boxers and put them on.

"We better," he said, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me in for a hug. I sighed contently and rested the side of my head against his chest, hearing the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. "I love you."

"I love you too." He pecked my lips before I left the room and went downstairs to leave the house. On the short walk back to my house I prepared what I would tell my mom if she asked why I had been gone for hours when I was just suppose to drop of a lasagna pan. She wouldn't be able to smell that I was technically already mated with Conner because he hasn't marked me yet but she would probably be able to tell that something was up.

I opened the front door and closed it behind me as quietly as I could, which was a dumb idea because we were werewolves and had advanced hearing. My moms head poked around the kitchen doorway, a smile on her face. "Where have you been?"

"I just went on a run," I shrugged, slipping my feet out of my flip flops.

"Okay, dinners going to be ready in twenty minutes," she informed me as I started up the stairs.

"I'm actually not that hungry and I'm exhausted," I told her, only half lying. I was exhausted but it wasn't for the reasons I was telling her.

"Alright, why don't you go to bed early tonight?" She suggested. I nodded, adding in a yawn for extra affect.


I walked up the rest of the stairs and entered my room, immediately pulling my dress over my head and heading into the Jack-and-Jill bathroom that I shared with my sixteen year old sister, Natalia.

I looked both the doors and turned on the shower, waiting for the water to heat up. I showered quickly, wanting to just curl up in my bed and go on my phone.

Once I was out, I brushed my hair and put on comfy clothes before crawling into bed, my phone in hand. I was bombarded with texts from our group chat. Hannah had met a cute guy at Starbucks, Alexis wanted to take David back, and Lily was going on about some guy she went out on a date with yesterday. "Why is everything about boys?" I groaned, going into my messages with Sammy and sending her a text.

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