Chapter 10

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"I've been thinking about moving into one of the empty houses in the pack," Conner said. I craned my neck to look at him, a look of surprise covering my face. "And by thinking, I mean I've already talked to Sawyer about it and it's for sure."

"That means we don't have to sneak around to see each other any more! I mean I'll still have to sneak out but we don't have to worry about others interrupting us!" I said excitedly. "When do you move in?"

"In two days," he laughed.

"Why didn't you tell me until now!" I dramatically gasped.

"Because I only talked about it with him last night," he said, planting his lips on mine.

"I can't wait," I whispered, softly holding his cheek in the palm of my hand.

"Me too."


I was sitting on the counter is Conner's new house, swinging my legs back and forth as I waited for him to come back. He had gone to pick up the last load of his stuff from his parents house while I was here, trying to unpack his stuff.

The house had nice furnishings and was decent sized. There was a sleek-looking black leather couch in the living room, a 55' inch TV hung above the fireplace, and a glass coffee table sitting a foot or two in front of the couch. The three bedrooms were all furnished and decorated. I hopped off the counter and started unpacking random books onto the bookshelf.

The front door swung open a couple minutes later and Conner walked in holding a couple of boxes. "Hey," I said, unpacking the last of the books. I had organized them in alphabetical order, which Conner probably would never notice but whatever.

"Hey, I ordered pizza on my way back so it should be here soon," he said, setting the box down and coming up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. I sighed and closed my eyes, melting into the warmth and comfort that he gave. I heard him inhale and let out a soft breath. "You look so sexy in my shirt," he whispered, gently biting my ear. I let out a soft moan, knowing exactly what he wanted to do.

"Let's finish unpacking and then we'll continue this," I whispered, gently pulling myself away from him. I turned around and faced him, quickly pecks his lips before grabbing the box he had brought in. It was full of clothes, so I picked it up and brought it down the hall to the master bedroom. The bed was already a disaster, as Conner and I had already put it to good use multiple times.

The front door opened and closed once, and a minute later it opened and closed again. Conner came into the bedroom a couple seconds later with two other boxes. I was in the walk in closet, hanging up his shirts on one wall of the huge closet. I was saving some space for me because now that he lived on his own, I could actually keep some clothes here without one of his parents finding them and wondering who they belonged to. He came in with the boxes and tried to help me unpack, but he couldn't keep his hands to himself so it was mostly me putting things away with difficulty.

The pizza came a couple minutes later, and Conner and I sat down in the middle of the living room to eat it. "This really hits the spot," I said, not realizing how much I was craving pizza right now. Conner pulled me into his lap, his hand resting on my bare thigh. I took another bite of my pizza before snuggling into his chest, inhaling his scent.

"Hurry up and eat," Conner said, taking a huge bite of a slice.

"Why, are you that eager to unpack?" I teased, knowing exactly why he wanted me to hurry.

"No, but I am that eager to fuck you as soon as possible," he whispered huskily in my ear. Hearing his voice drop like that sent a please shiver down my spine, and I was immediately turned on.

"Why wait?"

I was laid down on the couch with Conner laying over then me within a second. His eyes were darkening and shining with lust. I lifted his shirt over his head and wrapped my bare legs around his bare torso. The skin on skin contact was too much for both of and his lips hungrily pressed themselves to mine. I unbuttoned his shorts and he slid them off before sliding his shirt over my head.

"Fuck," I moaned, hooking my arm around his neck to pull him closer to me.


I woke up the next morning because the sun was shining directly in my eyes. I groaned and turned around in Conner's arms, burying my face into his naked chest. A deep laugh vibrated through his body.

"Stop laughing," I whined, gently smacking his chest. This onto made him laugh more.

"You're so cute when you wake up," he said, pecking my nose and then pressing his lips to mine. It was getting more and more passionate and demanding before I realized something.

"Fuck!" I yelled, hopping off the bed and looking around for my clothes. I pulled them on as I found them, almost tripping multiple times.

"Woah, why are you in such a hurry to leave?" Conner asked, getting out of bed and pulling a pair of shorts on.

"My parents! They're probably wondering where I am. If they haven't realized that I was already gone then I'm gonna have to sneak back inside!" I said frantically, slipping my legs into my shorts. I threw my t-shirt on over my head, feeling how disastrous my hair was. I pulled into a ponytail, knowing it was the best at I could do.

Conner wrapped his arms around me from behind, planting kissed along my collarbone. I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck. "I love you, so damn much. I'll be back as soon as I can," I said, pecking his lips between each word. I untangled myself from his arms, leaving him with his bottom lip jutting out in an unmistakable pout. It broke me heart even though I knew he was joking.

I ran out the front door and ran all the way home, slowing down as I reached the front porch. I quietly went around to the back and was glad that the door was still unlocked. I quietly opened it, slipped inside, and closed it.
My mom was standing in the kitchen making breakfast.

Damn it!

"You were up early, did you go on a run?" She asked me. I let out a sigh of relief.

"Yeah," I nodded. "I'm going to go take a shower," I said, heading upstairs. I knew that I reeked of Conner and I needed to get his scent off me as much as possible so my parents wouldn't be suspicious.

"Breakfast will be ready in a half hour," she called after me, and I nodded before heading upstairs. I literally ran into Natalia at the top and we both went crashing to the ground.

"What's that smell?" She asked, looking over at me as we got up. Shit.

"Probably something from the woods, I just got back from a run," I lied quickly. I tried to make it to my room but she stopped me.

"It smells like another wolf. A male wolf," she accused, crossing her arms. "You spent the night with a boy, didn't you?" She whisper-yelled.

"Shhhh," I hushed her, pulling her down the hall and into my room.

"Tell me the truth," she said once the door was closed.

"Yes, I spent the night with a boy. We've been going for almost a month now," I said.

"Have you slept with him yet?" She asked, her eyebrows rising up. Now she was just genuinely curious.

"Yes, but we've known each other forever," I said, being careful with my words so it wouldn't seem like I was describing Conner.

"When are you gonna let us all meet him?"

"I don't know," I said. "I'm taking a shower now, and I'm begging you not to tell anyone, please," I said.

"I won't, but you have to tell me who he is," she said. I looked at her, challenging her in a way but I knew that there was no way for me to get out of this.

"It's..." I paused. "It's Conner."




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