Chapter 12

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The last few weeks of summer before my senior year flew by. I normally spent the night with Conner or with Sammy. I tried my best to distribute my time equally between the two, but it was a lot easier said then done.

I woke up the first day of senior year and rolled over to shake Sammy awake. She stayed the night at my house because we always got ready together on the first day of school.

"Wake up hoe," I groaned, aggressively shaking her shoulder.

"Stop it slut," she groaned back, rolling away from me.

"Come on we have school." The words felt foreign coming from my mouth because I hadn't spoken them in three months.

"Ew," Sammy replied. It took a while to get the two of us out of bed and we both started getting ready, doing our hair and makeup perfectly. Our outfits were on point (like always).

"Come on, everyone else is probably already at Xander and Taylor's," Sammy said. I nodded and we went next door. Taylor always had an annual huge first day of school breakfast, and everyone always showed up to eat together.

We said hi to everyone and helped ourselves to a lot of breakfast. "A little heavy on the bacon there?" Sammy said, bursting out into laughter.

"Don't judge me," I grumbled, taking a bit of a piece just to show her that I didn't give a shit about it. Conner was sitting at one end of the huge table and Sammy and I sat down at the other end. He smirked when he saw me.

You look beautiful today, he mind linked me.

Thanks, wish I could say the same about you, I responded, my voice full of playfulness and humor.

That wasn't very nice, he pouted.

What are you going to do, punish me? The tiniest bit of seduction was left in my voice, and by the change of Conner's face, I knew he had picked up on it.

That's exactly what I'm going to do. You won't be able to walk tomorrow.

I could feel myself getting aroused at that so I didn't respond. I was anxious for school to already be over so I could be wth Conner and actually get to kiss him and snuggle with him.


I woke up the next morning before my alarm and raced to the toilet, emptying the contents of my stomach. Someone was behind me and holding my hair up, rubbing a hand soothingly up and down my back. "What the hell," I muttered once I felt like I was done.

"Are you sick?" Conner asked.

"I don't think so, I feel fine," I said. I let him feel my forehead.

"Well you don't have a fever," he said. He picked me up bridal style and sat down on the bed, my curled up in his lap.

"Conner, it's almost impossible for werewolves to get sick. Something else is going on," I said, trying to think of possible solutions.

"Could you be pregnant?" He asked quietly. My eyes snapped to his.

"We've always used a condom, though," I said, but my mind came to the same solution at the exact same time that his did.

"Not the first time. We were too, well, excited to focus on that," Conner smirked. I burst out laughing because he managed to make this conversation into one like any other, and he did too. We quickly sobered up though, still worried about what was going on.

"Can you go to the drugstore and get, like, three different brands of pregnancy tests. I'll need more then one to know for sure," I said, looking at him. He nodded.

I wrapped my arms around his necks and pressed my lips to his as a goodbye, but he had other ideas. He laid back in the bed and bunched my shirt up to above my breast. It just so happened to be his shirt, as well. I moaned into the kiss and let him do what he wanted to my body for the next hour, not caring about going to school today.

Our bodies were covered in a thin layer of sweat once we finished, and we were both breathing heavily. "I'll be back," he whispered, untangling himself from me with much difficulty and throwing some clothes on.

He came back after twenty minutes and handed me a plastic bag. "Good thing I have to pee really badly," I muttered, but Conner found it hilarious and burst out laughing. I went into the bathroom and peed on the three sticks. Conner came and perched himself on the counter. He seemed almost anxious now.

"What do the directions on then say?" I asked as I put the cap back over then and washed my hands.

He grabbed the three boxes and his eyes scanned over each once. "Umm . . . pee on the stick . . . wait five minutes . . . positive means you are, minus means your aren't."

"So we wait for five minutes," I said. I went and stood in between his legs, my back to him. He wrapped his legs around my waist and his arms around my upper body. I set the timer on my phone for five minutes.

"What are we going to do if I am?" I asked quietly. My mind hasn't fully come to terms with the fact that I could be pregnant, but it was racing around with all the different possibilities.

"We'll take it step by step, day by day," Conner said, lightly kissing the top of my head.

"I'm sorry that I didn't save myself for you," I said randomly.

"I'm sorry too. But don't regret anything. We're together now and that's what matters," he said. I nodded, but couldn't help but think of the other guys that I had been with. My first time was at the end of sophomore year. I had been dating that guy for the entire school year, and had sex with him on the last day of school. We had sex a couple times but broke up some time that July. I started dating another guy in October and we had sex for the first time in March. We broke up in May. The third guy happened at a last day of school party we all went to. I got completely trashed and woke up next to my childhood crush, Matthew Rogers.

"I just feel awful. I feel like a slut," I said, tears welling in my eyes.

"Carlie, you are in no way a slut. Don't ever tell yourself that," Conner said. I could feel the hurt tearing away in his voice, and I actually burst into tears because I knew I had caused that. I turned around and pressed my lips to his, pouring every emotion I was feeling right now into it. We kissed until my phone went off, and then some.

"I love you. I love you so fucking much, you don't even know," I breathed.

"I love you to. So fucking much," Conner whispered, pressing his lips to mine for one last kiss. "Now let's find out if we're going to be having a baby."

I reached for the test and my eyes scanned all three of the tests. All three of the positive tests. "Guess who's having a baby," I said quietly, showing him the tests.

"Day by day," he reminded me, kissing my forehead. "I think we need to tell our parents now, though." I nodded. It struck me how he had no thought about getting rid of the baby. I didn't either, and I would never have an abortion no matter what. But that stood out to me and made me love him even more if that was possible.

"I think we do, but I'm calling Sammy first. I want her to be the godmother."

"I wouldn't have it any then way," Conner said, planting his lips on mine.

I don't know how many more chapter, anywhere between two and five most likely. This was planned from the beginning, like even before I had the idea for doing this story. I know it's quick but I did not plan for it to be ten to fifteen chapters.



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