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Lemme get this over with. I was nominated by billiejean13 to say 20 things about myself (this is the tag... Right?)

I nominate: GeesusOfficial,behindtheross,and, BloodyCrankShank
(i have like, no Wattpad friends... Oops)

Here we go:

1. I have a cat

2. I can speak/ I'm learning 4 languages (speak:English and Hebrew//learning:Chinese and Arabic)

3. I can ~play~ the guitar (I have 3 guitars)

4. I actually like math (crazy, I know)

5. I'm addicted to Memes (and YouTube)

6. And gay fanfics (and band crack)

7. I'm actually pretty new to the whole 'bandom' thing (I joined May 2016)

8. The first 'real' song I learned on the guitar was When I Come Around

9. My dad really shaped my taste in music

10. I can't go anywhere without ear buds

11. I 'made' my brother like FOB and TØP

12. I'm a firm believer that #FRANKTOPS2K16

13. I lived in Boston for 12 years

14. I now live in Israel

15. I love Japanese food (not just sushi)

16. I love coffee (a little too much)

17. I unironically like darude-Sandstorm

18. Doctor Who is the Fandom that started it all (although I've loved Star Wars since forever)

19. I have a large snow globe collection

20. I hate dabbing with a passion

Well, that's it for now.

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