『Yet Another Crappy Digital Art』

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Josei: You're really going crazy about short haired girls.

Wh-What?! N-Not really..!

Josei: You went up to a random short-haired lady stranger yesterday and told her you liked her hair.

It was a compliment! She liked it! ><

Josei: Still a bit creepy, though.

Why. T^T

Presenting... Anniah's Daily Life! :D

「Fortunately, I have successfully completed my exams and therefore go back to Relax Mode! *does a victory pose*

So, yeah. Went to the hospital earlier, got tested a bit, some stuff, same old, same old... I'm still fine, not to worry!

I am stronger than I seem to be! I survived countless bloody waterfalls, tear-shedding, cramps, and head-splitting headaches, but I am okay!」

Josei: Don't overdo yourself, okay?

Yes, ma'am! ' ^ '

Ja ne~♥

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