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I thought why not make a tag so reader can know more about their fav authors, aka everyone.

I know this tag is done more than a hundred times, i wAnNa jOiN tOo oKaY

So here we go, i answer twenty questions.

1. When is your birthday/what is your sign?
My birthday is on February 5th, and i'm a proud ass Aquarius.

2. How old are you?
14, turning 15 in three months :)

3. Are you usually depressed?

4. Have you ever thought of suicide/are you suicidal?
Have a postcard for courage, because no means no.

5. One thing you regret the most?
I don't have any, really.

6. How tall are you?
5'8. LeAvE mE aLoNe.

7. Favorite thing to eat?
Ramen, shrimps, and rice, and holy shit Kfc.

8. Favorite drink?
Coke. But Pepsi will do.

9. Favorite computer game?
I don't have any.

10. Anything that grinds your gears?
Literally, when my mom is doing the dishes, and she drops a spoon/fork in the sink. tHe sOuNd oF iT KiLLs mE ErRiTiMe.

11. Do you see yourself as a beautiful person?
Not to be selfish, but yes. I do think I'm beautiful.

12. What's your religion?
Personally, i'm a highkey atheist.

13. Have you ever had a boyfriend/girlfriend?
Yes, and I have a boyfriend at the moment.

14. Do you usually cry/are you emotional?
No, and hell nah I always keep them to myself.
And burst out of nowhere.

15. Are you a virgin?
A proud one ✨

16. Favorite anime so far?
Servamp, Tokyo ghoul, Owari No Serath, and ofc Kamisama Kiss.

17. Anime character(s) you would marry?
Kuro, Tomoe, Mizuki, Kaneki, Tsurugi, Sakuya,  tHERE ARE SO MANY GAAAHHH

18. Who are your best friends on internet?
Laura, Andreea, Haneen, Muhamed, Hanifa.
Love you all :)
EDIT: adding Blake, removing Muhamed lmao

19. What do you wanna be when you grow up?
I honestly want to be a Anime artist.

20. Any hobbies?
Drawing, writing, and reading. I'm a nerd I get it.

Whoop whoop there y'all go! Twenty facts about me, thank y'all for reading, I'm nominating;


Guys, you don't have to do this, but I'm just doing this for fun ;-; plz don't hit me ;-;

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