Unwanted Business

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Chapter Thirty Nine

I felt someone drawing patterns on my stomach. It was a weird feeling to be woken up by, but it was comforting. I tiredly opened my eyes and my view fell with a dark room. Not too dark. It was light enough for me to know that I was in Ashton's room. I looked down and saw his hands trailing patterns on me. He soon stopped and I felt his arms swoop around my waist, pulling me closer towards him. "Morning." He croaked. His morning voice was extremely sexy. I don't know what it was. Was it the fact that I missed this closeness? Was it that fact that I was due for my period, which means my hormones are going everywhere. Whatever it was, it made my stomach turn, in a a good way.

"Morning." I smiled stupidly. I got my hand and placed them in between his fingers. I looked up at him and the smiled plastered on his face was priceless. "Morning." He repeated. I giggled as that was the only words we've gathered to say this bright and early morning. That I presumed. Moments later a loud teenage boy, who goes by the name Harry came barging in. "Can I have the keys?" He sighed. Both Ashton and I were just staring at his brother. Did he now know about privacy. We probably looked stupid, as the covers we covering us, and the only thing that Harry could see was our heads. We probably looked like floating heads.

"Harry! There's a thing called knocking. Heard of it before?" Ashton said bitterly.

"Do you have the keys or not. Hi Mai." Harry ignored Ashton's statement and his tone of voice changed when he spoke to me. Harry became the chirpy kid I knew. "Hi Harry." I said awkwardly. "Can you tell your boyfriend to give me the keys." Harry smirked. "I'm not, we're not, Harry." I said quickly. I can't believe he thought I was dating Ashton. Well, of course he would, I mean, he's caught us at bad times, several times, if I were him, I'd think we're dating too. "Oh really?" His eyes went wide. "Right! Here they are. Now go." Ashton leaped up and placed the keys into Harry's hand. I watched as Harry's grinned grew wide. He was just winding Ashton up. "See you guys later." Harry winked at us. Ashton just pushed him out and locked the door behind him.

"I'm so sorry, Maisie." Ashton sighed and fell back into bed. "Don't be. Harry was just messing about." I giggled. "I really don't know where all his cockiness is coming from." Ashton shook his head with disappointment. Everyone gets at the stage somewhere in life. I mean, I remember back in secondary school, year sevens were shy as anything, then once they hit year eight, they come type of influence boost, and have this cocky attitude. I blame the influences around them. Either from tv or the people around them.

"Anyway, what are your plans for today?" I felt his hand go under my top. I jumped as his hands were cold. He just chuckled and slowly moved his hand up further. "Not sure. Might do my nails." Ashton gave me a blank look. I know that's pretty random, but I haven't done them in a while. "Really?" He raised his eyebrow up. "For the whole day?" He chuckled. "No you idiot." I laughed. I don't really have anything planned.

"Want to hang out then?" He asked shyly.

"You can come round." I smiled.

"What? And watch you paint your nails?" He laughed.

"Yes." I stood up and headed to the door. I turned around and saw Ashton was still in the same position. "We can order Chinese?" I suggested to make the day less girly than it already is. As soon as the word Chinese was mentioned he leaped out of bed and guided me to my house. "Woah." I said. Boy was he eager to eat.

"Ashton why are you up so early? Oh hi Mai, how are you dear?" Anne's voice changed from worried to calm when she saw that I was here. "Hi Anne. I'm good thank you, how are you?" I asked shyly. I felt rude as we never told Anne that I was staying over. "I'm fine dear. So where are you off to?" She grinned as if she knew something was up, even though nothing was up. "We're heading to Maisie's house." Ashton spoke up. Do you know what? After five years, nearly six, he still calls me by my full name. It's not like it bugs me as much anymore. I'll ask him later to why he still calls me that when everyone else calls me Mai.

Our Broken Hearts | Ashton Irwin [Sequel to Out Of My Limit] EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now